Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • From Gunshots to Galleries: Wraparound Violence Prevention Program Helps Victims Restart their Lives

    The Wraparound Project at Zuckerman San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center turns gunshot victims' hospital stays into "a teachable moment," by providing them with services aimed at helping them avoid a repeat injury. Getting shot once is a key risk factor for a second injury, particularly for gun violence's most common victims, young Black men. Wraparound is one of the nation's oldest hospital-based violence intervention programs. It has helped about 850 clients, mostly with mental health counseling, housing, and jobs. The program is associated with a decreased reinjury rate in San Francisco.

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  • This Israeli Facebook group is a lifeline for women caught in a cycle of prostitution

    An Israeli Facebook group serves as a women's network for current or former prostitutes seeking help and support. The Hebrew-language group, called Lo Omdot Mineged, provides help in many forms, ranging from crowdsourcing money for groceries to building alliances with women struggling to find work outside of prostitution.

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  • The streets weren't safe for drug users. So these countries created spaces for them.

    Despite hesitance and not complete buy-in, European countries are seeing signs of success from implementing drug consumption rooms. While the United States has been hesitant to adopt this tactic as a solution for fear of normalization of drug use, countries with these facilities are reporting less “injection-related litter in public spaces,” increased public awareness, less stigma, and fewer overdoses.

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  • States Battle the Devastating Opioid Crisis with Data

    States across the country are using technology to find innovative ways to battle the opioid crisis, including heat maps of naloxone administrations and data hubs for information sharing across local boundaries. The changes have helped states develop early warning systems and increased emergency response for those who've been revived by naloxone, and states are hoping for more improved results from the technology soon.

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  • Portland, Ore., Tackles Untested Sexual Assault Kits with Tech

    To tackle the backlog of untested sexual assault kits, police agencies in Portland, Oregon collaborated with the Portland Bureau of Technology Services to create a tracking system for the kits, leading to a decrease in untested kits and ensuring that data was able to be analyzed and shared quickly when necessary. The Sexual Assault Management System, known as SAMS, is now being scaled to cities across America.

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  • Sisterhood Is Powerful

    In November 2017 the Swedish army had their own #MeToo movement: "called #givaktochbitihop, which loosely translates to 'stand at attention and bite the bullet.'” A group of about 50 female sailors formed a group supporting one another called GRYM, an acronym that in Swedish stands for Community, Recruitment, Career guidance, and Mentorship. They support anyone who needs guidance in reporting or healing, and they normalize the subject of sexual assault in everyday conversation. Members of the Navy testify to how the group has helped bring about cultural change amongst the ranks.

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  • Switzerland fights heroin with heroin

    Drug-assisted treatment has reduced rates of new substance abuse cases and HIV infections in Switzerland. With the implementation of an innovative drug policy program in 1994, Swiss doctors began to treat those suffering with chronic substance abuse with heroin-assisted treatment (HAT). The program benefitted from positive results in early trials and has encouraged the implementation of similar programs in other countries.

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  • Blunting Addiction's Impact

    Millions of Americans are addicted to and hundreds of thousands have died from opioids, but learning what hasn't worked in treating the epidemic is providing a path forward to creating solutions that do have impact. From making medication-assisted treatment more accessible and less stigmatized to expanding Medicaid coverage and implementing harm reduction strategies, states across the U.S. are piloting new initiatives based off the knowledge gained from assessing the limitations of previous approaches.

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  • Another tool to improve student mental health? Kids talking to kids

    Taos High School's EQ Retreat is an opportunity for seniors to share their experiences with stress and trauma with underclassmen, providing a relatable voice and lessons for overcoming the challenges inside and outside the walls of high school. "Peer-led social emotional learning is the answer," the teacher-leader of the retreat said.

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  • Scavenger hunt at Copper Mountain Resort will raise funds for mental health

    A mental health awareness and suicide prevention nonprofit Building Hope in Summit County, CO is teaming up with another nonprofit called Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ to host a scavenger hunt that educates Coloradans about suicide prevention and raises funds for community mental health initiatives and programs. The scavenger hunt combines a popular physical activity (skiing) with mental or physical puzzles that require participants to learn something about mental health before moving on to the next challenge. The program, called Secret Spot, aims to tackle the taboo around mental health.

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