Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Instagram's Queer Appalachia brings love — and services — to those who need it most

    The Queer Appalachia Instagram account has created a virtual community combating the isolation and fear that are often present in the lives of queer people living in Appalachia. In a region particularly hard-hit by the opioid crisis, it has also created a network of sponsors for those in recovery through a telehealth program managed by the account.

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  • Chau manicomios: Cómo Río Negro se convirtió en un modelo mundial con su programa de salud mental

    En la provincia argentina de Río Negro, en vez de ser institucionalizadas en establecimientos psiquiátricos, las personas afectadas con trastornos mentales se atienden en los hospitales generales, que cuentan con guardias de salud mental y profesionales capacitados en el tema. Este modelo se ha convertido en una referencia a nivel mundial, ya que representa una transición de un sistema basado en el encierro en hospitales psiquiátricos a otro basado en el paradigma de la salud mental comunitaria, en el que se crean diversos dispositivos para lograr que las personas puedan reinsertarse en la sociedad.

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  • One Ohio School's Quest to Rethink Bad Behavior

    At Ohio Avenue Elementary School, where many students live below the poverty line, all teachers receive training on the science of trauma and how it impacts the children in their classrooms. What teachers do with this knowledge is up to them - Katherine Reynolds Lewis asks, "What if the most effective way to help kids learn self-control is for adults to stop being so controlling?" The school has seen many students gain the ability to "self-calm," a coping mechanism that is hard to teach students who have experienced domestic or police violence or periods in the foster care system.

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  • Fresh Times at Rehab High

    Forty recovery high schools in the United States have improved the lives for students who have addiction or mental health challenges. According to research, the relapse rate is only 30 percent, as opposed to 70 percent for students taken out of schools for treatment and then return. Despite this success, these schools have challenges in raising funds to support them, finding the transportation for the students, and letting people know that they exist.

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  • Fighting for life: Coalition works to reduce opioid deaths and help addicts recover

    The Fighting for Life Coalition works to prevent overdose deaths in Missouri. From counseling to buprenorphine treatments, the group is committed to harm reduction principles of reducing harms even when people engage in dangerous behavior. The state also has a group that meets users in the hospital and mobilizes to get them started in treatment within 24 hours.

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  • How safe-injection sites work

    The city of Montreal, Canada is testing how safe injection sites can be used in the fight against opioid overdoses. Montreal has 4 total sites, and one of them, called Cactus Montreal, has already supervised thousands of users in less than a year without a single death. Cactus is often busy with about 100 visitors each day, and they say that their services also prevent public injections and litter of used needles.

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  • In a New Orleans school, improving outcomes one student at a time

    Opened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans' NET charter schools acknowledges that "many young people continue to struggle with issues that are greater than traditional models can support." Serving mainly students who have been diagnosed with trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder, NET provides students with full-time counselors and third-party resources, such as internships and psychiatrists.

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  • Kenya jail's 'mindful' scheme aims to bring sides closer

    In Kenya, prisons are rampant with violence, an overcrowded and harsh environment for people as they serve their sentences. To combat gang violence and heightened tensions between prisoners and guards, Kenya's largest maximum security facility has implemented a new program: mindfulness. The program helps prisoners and guards practice mindfulness and meditation, and ultimately helps to bridge the divide between the two factions.

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  • Cómo luchan contra la tentación del suicidio los jóvenes de Fiambalá

    La ciudad de Fiambalá en Argentina redujo el numero de suicidios de jóvenes de 18 suicidios en 2013 a cero en 2018. El programa, El Camino, ayuda a los jóvenes en riesgo para que cultiven sus cualidades de liderazgo, se conecten con sus familias y comunidades y se conviertan en ciudadanos activos de sus pueblos y ciudades. El programa fue desarrollado por líderes espirituales junto con la ayuda del gobierno, psicólogos y psiquiatras.

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  • California rural education network launches to help isolated teachers share resources

    The new California Rural Ed Network is working to connect isolated teachers in small towns and rural communities with resources and education about social-emotional learning and trauma-informed approaches. The initiative, still in its nascent years, aims to "join forces to attract new resources" and "share expertise."

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