Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In This District, Students Are Part of the Mental Health Response

    The Peers Uplifting Peers program works to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and normalize having conversations about getting help. The program trains rural high schoolers in mental health first aid, teaching them how to communicate with their peers who may be experiencing mental health issues and how to connect them with trusted adults and mental health resources.

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  • How farming is saving Migori widows from wife inheritance 

    To fight back against “woman inheritance,” a practice in which women are married off to a brother-in-law after the death of a husband, widows in Nyasoko formed a support group that raises awareness about HIV, provides microloans, and maintains shared land for farming. The group now has 36 members and has enabled widows to start their own businesses and take control of their health.

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  • With Green Prescriptions, Getting Healthier Is a Walk in the Park

    Green prescriptions, like the practice of forest bathing, are becoming a formal part of the healthcare system. Organizations like PaRx work to connect people to green medicine in an effort to alleviate chronic conditions, increase health and happiness and foster a connection to the environment. Through the work of PaRx, 4,000 green prescriptions have been written by over 10,000 physicians in all 10 provinces.

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  • Leaders in Black community teach healthy ways of expression

    At the Crenshaw YMCA, Black men and youth are able to get together to play basketball as community leaders discuss mental health with those in attendance on the court, working to break centuries of stigma surrounding Black men and mental health. Playing basketball and working at the YMCA offers a sense of community and shows youth there are other ways to express their emotions besides resorting to violence.

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  • "Not everyone needs a psychologist, but everyone should know how to help themselves and others:" Kyiv Resilience Center teaches how to cope with trauma

    The Stress Resilience Center provides critical workers — like doctors and law enforcement — opportunities to learn psychological self-help skills. The goal is to equip the public with psychological wellness skills to prevent the number of people who need to seek psychological help from getting too high. Amidst the war, the Center also provides individual and family therapy for those experiencing loss, burnout and those with loved ones in the military.

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  • From a WhatsApp platform to physical sessions, this Nigerian initiative is helping women affected by conflict navigate their trauma

    FeelNHeal is a safe space where women who were displaced due to conflict can prioritize their mental health. The Nigerian initiative helps young girls and women heal using outreach, education, connections with professional therapists, and group sessions that include art and games.

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  • A journey of healing

    The Native and Strong Lifeline aims to provide culturally relevant mental health care services and support to members of the Native community. Since launching, the lifeline has received over 1,200 calls from across the state, handled by its team of tribal crisis counselors, many of whom have their owned lived experiences with mental health struggles.

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  • Richland County Drug Court provides an alternative to incarceration

    The Richland County Drug Court allows low-level, non-violent offenders to participate in an intensive treatment program in lieu of incarceration. To graduate from the program, participants must complete treatment, pay all court fees and fines, avoid new charges and, if possible, get a job. The program has had 21 graduating classes since forming in 1997 and research shows it reduces recidivism rates and saves taxpayer dollars.

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  • High school students collaborate to foster cross-campus mental health

    Students at two local high schools with mental health awareness clubs collaborated to host a Mental Health Awareness Fun Run to bring the community together and support local mental health organizations following the COVID-19 pandemic, when several students experienced strong feelings of isolation.

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  • Virginia students learning strategies to avoid bad behavior, more suspensions

    The Restorative Suspension Center provides a space for students facing suspension to work with staff to change their behavior. The Center provides mentoring and group sessions with their peers and also teaches coping skills to prevent those bad behaviors. Since starting the program, the Lynchburg City School District has seen an 86% decrease in discipline referrals.

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