Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Camaraderie Offsets Trauma for Women Veterans

    The majority of women veterans experience Military Sexual Trauma, which according to VA research, leads to post-traumatic stress disorder at a rate even greater than combat. Online and in person support groups help many women cope.

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  • Black Communities, not Trump Executive Orders, Will End “Carnage”

    Communities in Chicago and Detroit work to involve neighbors and law enforcement to join forces in the fight against gun violence in the United States. By creating a genuine connection between local police and the community members they serve, neighborhood can create a non-violent environment.

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  • How do you fix a broken system? One U.S. city offers a model for handling sex-assault cases

    If not properly investigated, sexual assault claims can be dismissed prematurely, disrupting the justice process and allowing offenders to continue hurting people. In Philadelphia, after an audit revealed more than 2,000 mishandled sexual offense claims in five years, police officers and women’s rights advocates began sitting together once a year to review police files and catch procedural problems. Now 17 years strong, the collaboration continues to hold law enforcement accountable and catch mishandled claims.

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  • Riding Along With Milwaukee's Counselors For Traumatized Youths

    Police actions at a crime scene often exacerbate the victim’s trauma and trigger a person with mental illness who is going through a crisis. The Trauma-Informed Response Team in Milwaukee, is part of a national trend to train police officers in crisis intervention so they can identify signs of mental illness, and efficiently and safely get someone in crisis into the care of a mental health professional.

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  • Rehab for mothers - and their children - allows them to recover together

    For women in traditional rehab centres, choosing treatment means leaving their children behind. Family House NOW (New Options for Women), is a residential treatment center in Philadelphia that allows women to live with their children, benefitting both the women and the children.

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  • On Patrol With Chicago's Last Violence Interrupters

    Chicago’s Cure Violence program, which has been around for close to 20 years, has closed all but one of its sites. The program employs Violence Interrupters, who work in neighborhoods to help stop violent conflict. As hopeful and successful as its creation was, it has run into cooperative issues with Chicago police and has seen a drastic cut in funding in the last five years.

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  • Australia: Has it Cracked the Solution to Curb Smoking?

    Tough laws, taxes, and a public information campaign helped cut Australia’s adult smoking rate in half. The country leads the world in these efforts, including being the first to require plain tobacco packaging in 2012. However, some smokers protest, saying that the government is interfering with their individual rights.

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  • How Iceland Got Teens to Say No to Drugs

    Researchers in Iceland were able to cut youth drug and alcohol consumption substantially through a new set of laws and after school programs. Now there are curfews for children and stricter drugs and alcohol age limits. Schools must have organizations that communicate with parents. The group, Youth in Iceland, can prove the efficacy of its work through scrupulous survey-taking.

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  • Injecting Drugs, Under a Watchful Eye

    America is facing an epidemic of overdose deaths from opioids. Giving users a supervised place and clean needles increases use of treatment and saves lives, though it is a controversial response.

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  • This Gunshot Survivor Is a Motivational Guru for People Living in Wheelchairs

    Tyrone Shoemake is an advocate for people who use wheelchairs for mobility—especially those who are victims of gunshot wounds, like him. When an online video of Shoemake doing pull-ups from his chair went viral, he kept the momentum growing with outreach to those he hopes to empower.

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