Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Grow for Vets

    Veterans using prescription drugs to treat PTSD are now turning to cannabis as an alternative treatment, as it can often cause fewer side effects. Grow for Vets is an organization that helps veterans obtain marijuana free of charge.

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  • Engendering Equal Education

    A policy adopted in Eugene’s 4J School District has been creating safe spaces for transgender students from kindergarten through high school. Gender-inclusive programs at the University of Oregon have marked the school as a national leader in LGBTQ acceptance.

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  • What Changes When a School Embraces Mindfulness?

    Child trauma is a delicate issue to tackle. Taking the time to practice mindfulness, every day, several times a day, has made a big difference at a school trying to overcome trauma.

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  • Why Seattle Cops And Social Workers Walk The Beat Together

    Police officers and social workers both know the problems that the homeless face. That's why, in Seattle, they've decided to come together to solve the problem.

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  • The Cherokee Nation wants to reverse the ‘silent epidemic' of hepatitis C

    An epidemic of Hepititis C has been effecting members of the Cherokee Nation at alarming rates, while consistently going unnoticed. Establishing screening systems with free care for members, the Hep C Elimination Project has been tackling this issue.

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  • Can a College That's Notorious for Sexual Assault Reform Itself?

    At the University of Virginia, the all-male peer education group One in Four works to create new standards surrounding sexual violence against women.

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  • What cities can learn from New Haven's fight to rein in gang violence: Seeking Solutions

    Providing positive interventions reduces gun violence among struggling youths. In New Haven, Connecticut, the Project Longevity program offers social services, treatment, housing, and counseling to those who typically only face crackdowns by law enforcement. The program aims to assist and help gang members find a way out of violence, supported in the long-term by funding approved by the CT state legislature.

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  • Minnesota program embeds therapists in schools

    In the early 2000s, Minnesota’s low income families struggled to have access to mental health care for their children. Now Minnesota therapists meet at schools rather than at a clinic and also train teachers to help students with mental health challenges. Parents measure the success based upon improved test scores, classroom environment, and fewer school suspensions.

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  • The Resurrection of St. Benedict's

    Once a white Catholic all-male private school, St. Benedict's Prep now educates predominantly low-income black and Hispanic students. At St. Benedict's, students hold leadership positions, receive trauma-informed counseling, and live by the motto "Whatever hurts my brother hurts me." Headmaster Edwin Leahy says the school "has the same structure as a gang except you can only be in one gang. You can only be in ours." St. Benedict's, which struggled to gain its footing in the 1960s following white flight, boasts a higher retention and graduation rate than many other Newark schools.

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  • How to Go Straight

    How to break a cycle of recidivism? Individual ex-prisoners share their own stories of how they have recovered from addiction and lives of crime, gotten their lives on track, and ultimately broken the cycle and stayed out of prison.

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