Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Heat dome made British Columbians more anxious. Could prescribing nature help?

    A Canadian doctor partnered with the British Columbia Parks Foundation to launch PaRx, A Prescription for Nature. The program helps health care providers prescribe time in nature for patients experiencing depression and anxiety related to climate change.

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  • Tiere als Helfer in der Therapie Die besseren Zuhörer

    In pädagogischen und therapeutischen Bereichen kommen immer öfter Tiere zum Einsatz. Von den Krankenkassen ist der Ansatz noch nicht anerkannt. Doch die internationale Forschung legt nahe, dass tiergestützte Interventionen in vielen Situationen ein wirksames Instrument sein können.

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  • VioPet ayuda a mujeres maltratadas que temen venganza sobre sus mascotas

    Inspirado en un programa existente en Estados Unidos, España lleva a nivel nacional y con apoyo gubernamental un programa para cuidar de las mascotas de mujeres que se encuentran en situaciones de violencia intrafamiliar y que tienen dificultad para dejar a sus agresores porque temen por la vida y bienestar de sus mascotas.

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  • Santa Fe's once-vaunted diversion program for people with addictions has dwindled to nearly nothing

    One of the nation's first programs using police officers to get people into drug treatment instead of jail succeeded at first, and inspired other programs throughout New Mexico. But the original Santa Fe program now serves as a lesson in what can all but kill such a program, thanks to a leadership vacuum and mistakes that undercut the cultural change needed within a police department. Like the first program of its kind, in Seattle, Santa Fe's LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion) program takes aim at people whose drug abuse deeply entangles them in the justice system when what they need is treatment.

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  • La Salle San Luis: un espacio para las altas capacidades

    Como respuesta a la atención especializada que puden necesitar estudiantes con altas capacidades, un colegio crea un programa que les permite profundizar en las materias que llevan día a día en las clases con los demás estudiantes, de manera que fomentan sus capacidades y evitan la distracción, el aburrimiento y problemas de salud mental.

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  • Musik als Medizin

    Dass Musik äußerst wohltuend sein kann, ist seit Jahrhunderten bekannt. Doch mittlerweile versteht die Forschung immer klarer, wie und wann die positive Wirkung zu Stande kommt. Messbare Effekte lassen sich bei einer Vielzahl von Krankheiten beobachten: von Bluthochdruck, Depressionen und Alzheimer bis hin zu den Nebenwirkungen einer Krebsbehandlung.

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  • The Judge Who Keeps People Out of Jail

    Since 2018, Judge Jason Lidyard of Rio Arriba County, N.M., has forged a new model for a drug court. Instead of demanding abstinence from drugs as the price to stay out of jail, Lidyard uses respect and personal relationships to seek a redefinition of success: making substance abuse less deadly and less socially crippling. Violating the court's requirements to get treatment results in more help, not jail. The less punitive approach seemed to reduce overdoses until a new fentanyl surge complicated the picture. Almost all of the people who've gone through the court have avoided new felony arrests.

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  • 'So much hope': Alaskans say peer support can make recovery possible

    Alaska has begun certifying peer support specialists with a free 40-hour training. Peer support specialists use their own experiences with mental health conditions or substance use to guide others dealing with similar issues. The state has certified 43 people, including 12 Indigenous traditional peer support specialists. Trainings teach peer supporters about different coping skills and how to help clients deal with a mental health diagnosis and set healthy boundaries. They also cover legal and ethical issues in peer support. The specialists model recovery and offer support without telling people what to do.

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  • Without help, Philly kids who lost family to gun violence will 'self destruct.' So this grandmother gave them a getaway trip.

    The group Moms Bonded By Grief went beyond the support-group work it has done for years for survivors of gun violence homicide victims to take 50 children and their mothers and grandmothers to a Poconos Mountains water park and resort. The long-weekend respite from Philadelphia's relentless gun violence included group therapy for children and adults, enabling them to talk about topics that often get buried or ignored. The excursion, funded by donations, is planned to be repeated next summer.

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  • Argentinien: Ein Radiosender von Verrückten

    Die Patienten einer Psychiatrie in Buenos Aires betreiben einen einzigartigen Radiosender. Mit ihren Berichten und Erzählungen aus ihrem Alltag erreichen sie bis zu sieben Millionen Menschen – und tragen so dazu bei, dass psychische Erkrankungen weniger dämonisiert werden.

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