Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Philadelphia is fighting street violence through hospital and doctor visits

    Healing Hurt People helps the survivors of gun violence and other assaults starting bedside in hospitals and continuing during a patient's recovery. The group, partnering with other services providers, treats mental trauma with cognitive therapies led by peer counselors – people with the street credibility that earns trust among the young people who are the target of these services. When people better understand their experience, they can learn from it and find safer, healthier ways to live.

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  • Home was a nightmare, then home was prison. Finally home is now a refuge.

    Home Free is a small, transitional-housing program for women who served long prison sentences for crimes against or on behalf of their abusers. A population long neglected, the women are part of a community recovering from the trauma of prison and the trauma that put them there. Giving them autonomy, in ways typical re-entry programs do not, is key to their recovery. “Home Free is the culmination of a decades-long struggle by women to be seen and supported by a system that has condemned and ignored them.”

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  • Medication and Recovery: Doctors Say Access to Critical Addiction Care is Difficult in Appalachia

    The Health Wagon provides medical care to those experiencing addiction. The Health Wagon also provides services for those in recovery, including medications, counseling, and peer support groups in an effort to reduce relapses and overdose deaths which have skyrocketed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • Rural Health Mission Nigeria: Providing Lifesaving Care to Mothers and Babies in Plateau State

    The Lifesaving Intervention Project offers postnatal services to mothers and newborns via community health workers who are trained in maternal and child health. After giving birth, the women receive follow-up care over the phone and through home visits and are referred to health facilities when additional care is needed. The support services have increased the percent of women getting post-natal care and have improved postpartum mental health. The health workers also provide information about the health benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, delivering in facilities, and birth control to space out children.

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  • Germany's Promising Plan to Bring Conspiracy Theorists Back From the Brink

    The German government opened an office, known as Zebra (“not everything is black and white”) to help people dispel misinformation and conspiracy theories. Most clients are seeking help with loved ones who believe in conspiracy theories, misinformation, or are becoming radicalized. Clients receive in-person phone or video appointments with a neutral staff person, who helps them defuse conflicts, find commonalities, and address mental health issues. After the COVID-19 pandemic began much of the program’s work has been aimed at dispelling misinformation about the government’s response and the vaccine.

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  • Hello? This Is Colombia's Antimachismo Hotline.

    Bogotá’s city government started the Calm Line to give men a way to connect by telephone with psychologists trained in therapeutic responses to the machismo that leads to gender-based violence. Despite doubts that Colombian men would use the service, the line fields about a dozen calls a day. "Fear, shame and confusion pervade many of the conversations," but also can lead to breakthroughs in understanding the attitudes that oppress women. That understanding is the first step toward cultural change, the Calm Line's supporters believe.

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  • The Radical Shift in Drug Treatment Happening Inside California Prisons

    To combat opioid overdose deaths among incarcerated people, the California prison system in January 2020 launched a treatment program that combines medication-assisted treatment with professional and peer counseling. The program uses the three most effective medications to reduce opioid dependency. The one-year program features intense counseling, individual and group, based on a workbook that takes gender and trauma-related causes for drug abuse into account. Preliminary data show a decrease in deaths at San Quentin prison. More than 15,000 people have enrolled in the program.

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  • Was depressiven Kindern und Jugendlichen hilft

    Psychische Probleme bei Kindern und Jugendlichen haben mit der Coronakrise deutlich zugenommen. Ein neues Portal mit dem Namen "Ich bin alles" unterstützt Eltern und Jugendliche mit Informationen zu Therapie und psychischer Gesundheit. Damit soll der Weg zur Behandlung erleichtert werden, aber auch Krankheiten von vornherein verhindert werden.

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  • He befriended his brother's murderer. In each other, they found healing

    Since the 1990s, California prisons' victim-aid office has arranged for crime victims to meet with the incarcerated people who harmed them or their family members. These victim-offender dialogues, a restorative-justice method offering alternative forms of accountability, have helped survivors heal by providing information they could not glean from the traditional justice process. Some have also experienced reconciliation and forgiveness. Only victims can initiate the process, and most incarcerated people are deemed ineligible after screening and preparation for the face-to-face dialogues.

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  • Dallas PD Expands Controversial, Though Successful, Mental Health Response Program

    Dallas' Rapid Integrated Group Healthcare Team dispatches clinicians and social workers with police to 911 calls for mental health crises. Within two days, the team follows up to make sure people received the services they need. In its first three years, the area of the city using the program saw 60% fewer arrests and 20% fewer emergency-room visits among people in mental health crises. Critics argue that the presence of police can needlessly escalate such crises, but the city is sticking with the co-responder model and spending millions to expand the program.

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