Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Drug treatment program is helping local inmates overcome addiction

    The Bartholomew County Jail's drug treatment program started in January 2020 with a rigorous application process, followed by about 400 hours of group and individual therapy for incarcarcerated people with drug abuse problems. The therapy attempts to unlock the reasons why each person's previous attempts to get healthy have failed. All but five of the 49 graduates so far have stayed out of jail and stayed in touch with the program, which helps them after their release with housing and job searches.

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  • Addiction treatment drug buprenorphine easier to prescribe under Biden

    Bupreneophine (also known as Suboxone) is a highly effective medication to treat opioid use disorder and addiction. It is life-saving, both in reducing the risk of fatal overdoses and helping people function better as they get treatment for their disorder. But prescribing and dispensing it is in many ways more highly regulated than the prescribing and dispensing of opioids themselves. A researcher who surveyed pharmacies found that many refuse to dispense the medication out of fear of regulatory sanctions or because of misplaced moral objections to medication-assisted treatment.

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  • Outreach officers treat homelessness as a symptom, not a crime

    Tucson Police Department's Homeless Outreach Team operates on the premise that even though many want to see police excluded from any role in dealing with homelessness, residents still call 911 and demand a police response. So the team, working with the city's homeless services counselors, can usually turn such contacts into an offer of help. Its officers are trained more and have more time than patrol officers to talk to people and determine their needs. Tucson's unhoused population surged in 2020, and police helped hundreds get housed or get other services without resorting to arrests and jail.

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  • Police visit patients, offer rides to mental health treatment

    When people refuse mental health care while under court orders to get treatment, Tucson police send a mental health support team to take the people to crisis observation clinics or hospitals. The teams have the training and extra time that regular patrol officers often lack, so that such calls can result in a peaceful transport to get the person help, rather than to jail or ending in violence. Having the police involved at all poses policy questions that agencies wrestle with. But thousands of people per year are getting transported to places providing care instead of punishment.

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  • They answer the call when people are in crisis

    Following the death of Daniel Prude in Rochester police custody, the city consulted with the operators of Eugene's CAHOOTS program to craft its own version of a team of unarmed responders to help resolve mental health or substance abuse crises without the use of violence. Rochester's Person In Crisis (PIC) team has averaged about 21 calls per day since January. All calls are made with the police in tandem, unlike CAHOOTS' model. Some violent incidents in Rochester have raised questions about PIC's ability to defuse conflict. But the operators say they have begun to make a positive difference.

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  • Vegas Stronger Starts by Asking Businesses to Call Them, Not Police

    When Las Vegas' restrictions on encampments pushed unhoused people into a shopping center outside the restricted zone, Vegas Stronger worked with business owners and the police to intervene without the need for arrests and jail. Although only two months old, the nonprofit has helped about 30 people through the network of services it has arranged. Services include housing, mental health and substance abuse treatment, and other connections to services people need to stay healthy and off the streets. Police welcome the interventions because they are relieved of handling non-criminal matters.

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  • Officers try to break stigma, offer help to drug users

    Tucson Police Department's Substance Use Resource Team reaches out on the streets to people with substance-use disorder, offering them treatment instead of arrest and jail. The team is an extension of the department's mental health support team and was started in response to the opioid epidemic. Officers talk to people they find on the streets, or follow up on 911 calls for overdoses. Not everyone accepts the offered help, and some end up arrested on warrants. But, at a time of rising overdose deaths, the officers and the peer support specialists who accompany them often can get people into treatment.

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  • Portland's Bybee Lakes Hope Center: A jail no more

    Multnomah County sold its unused Wapato Jail to a developer whose nonprofit partner has used grants and donations to turn the former jail into Bybee Lakes Hope Center, a residential treatment program for unhoused people. After two weeks in temporary homeless-shelter status, people can opt to enroll in a three-month treatment program, something that 65% of them have agreed to do. That program combines sober living rules with job training and other services. Nearly 200 people have completed the program. The center is working on a large expansion project providing hundreds more beds.

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  • How Project Dastaan is helping survivors of the 1947 India-Pakistan partition reconnect to their ancestral homes

    Refugees and survivors of the 1947 India-Pakistan partition reconnect to their homes through virtual reality footage of their homes and villages. The initiative, Project Dastaan, seeks to provide emotional closure to people who had to flee their homes in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. It also allows the children and grandchildren of survivors to gain a better understanding of their own histories and the trauma experienced by their loved ones. The digital experiences aim to raise awareness of the impact of the conflict and promote peace between the countries.

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  • How Schools Can Help Kids Heal After A Year Of 'Crisis And Uncertainty'

    Students' mental health is becoming a higher priority for schools across the U.S. At Hernandez Middle School in Chicago, each day starts with a check-in from their teacher, along with a mindfulness lesson and other useful coping skills. In Washington, D.C., some schools are partnering with local mental health organizations to provide counseling services to students.

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