Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How does Portland's Street Response Team compare with a similar program in Denver?

    Although Eugene, Oregon's long-running, successful CAHOOTS program serves as one model for the new Portland Street Response, a more relevant model can be found in Denver's STAR program. Like CAHOOTS, STAR responds to mental-health and other crisis calls with medics and counselors rather than police officers. But Denver's size, demographics, and homelessness make it much more analogous to Portland. In STAR's first six months, it handled nearly 750 calls without a single arrest. Both STAR and PSR are starting small, so more resources are needed if the pilot projects succeed.

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  • Medical Providers Are Taking Nature Therapy Seriously

    Medical providers are increasingly prescribing nature therapy – like walks, hikes, or recreational activities – as a way to help children and adults cope with life stressors. First popularized in Japan as "forest bathing," this practice has been shown to decrease a patient's anxiety and depression and increase their ability to concentrate.

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  • Online therapy helps students tackle mental health during pandemic

    Santa Ana College offered mental health services online for students dealing with depression, anxiety, and other issues exacerbated by COVID-19. Hundreds of students utilized the services, which include ten counseling sessions students are allotted each year. Sessions are conducted over secure connections using any device that can access Canvas or by phone. The Health and Wellness Center also reaches students with an Instagram account and weekly Zoom workshops. The 23 workshops cover topics like self-care, procrastination, tips to better sleep at night, and coping with rejection and loss.

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  • How the Indian Stammering Association has empowered thousands to find self-acceptance

    In India, where stuttering is not recognized as a disability, The Indian Stammering Association (TISA) offers "free online courses, counseling, communication workshops, and daily virtual meeting" to help those who struggle with a stutter. Although the offerings are limited to those who have access to a computer, more than 4,000 people have joined TISA with many reporting stories of success.

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  • A Vienne, les cafés rouvrent leurs portes pour les étudiants confinés

    Afin de réduire le mal-être des étudiants et leur permettre de travailler en toute sécurité, en pleine crise sanitaire, des cafés Viennois ouvrent leur porte aux jeunes. Entre décembre 2020 et février 2021, plus d’un millier de tables a été réservé.

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  • ‘I'm Stronger Now:' Support Centers For Trauma Survivors Expanding In Illinois

    Since 2017, two publicly funded trauma recovery centers in Illinois have helped violent-crime survivors cope with the emotional fallout that can accompany a loved one's murder or surviving their own violent attack. Case managers help people get group and individual therapy. They can also line up financial aid to help people pay for food and rent, when their trauma interferes with their ability to make a living. The centers, based on a model developed in California as a way to foster public safety through healing communities, will expand by three more in the state in 2021.

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  • Denver successfully sent mental health professionals, not police, to hundreds of calls

    In its first six months, Denver's STAR program (Support Team Assistance Response) handled 748 emergency calls that in the past would have gone to the police or firefighters. Two-person teams of a medic and clinician helped people with personal crises related mainly to homelessness and mental illness. None of the calls required police involvement and no one was arrested. The city plans to spend more to expand the program, which is meant to prevent needless violence and incarceration from calls to the police that other types of first-responders can better address.

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  • Health care workers replaced Denver cops in handling hundreds of mental health and substance abuse cases — and officials say it saved lives

    Denver's STAR program (Support Team Assisted Response) replaced police officers with health professionals on 748 calls for help. In incidents involving mental health, homelessness, and substance abuse, police backup was never needed, no one was arrested, and minor crises did not risk escalating into violence because of police presence. The six-month pilot project will expand to more parts of the city and more hours of the week, with an infusion of city money to supplement the private funding that got the program started.

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  • After Capitol riot, desperate families turn to groups that ‘deprogram' extremists

    Groups like Parents for Peace and Life After Hate use former radicals to counsel people in the grip of right-wing extremism. Bombarded by pleas for help by families since the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot, these groups use a series of meetings to help people examine the roots of their ideology, with an aim of helping them discover for themselves the irrationality of their hatred and other beliefs. While one researcher says the methods show signs of effectiveness, success is defined mainly in individual stories of change, in a hard-to-measure process of "personal and idiosyncratic" introspection.

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  • In the first six months of health care professionals replacing police officers, no one they encountered was arrested

    Denver's STAR (Support Team Assisted Response) program deliberately reduces potentially violent encounters between uniformed police officers and troubled people by responding to certain low-level crises with a mental health clinician and a medic. In STAR's first six months, the team offered 748 people help rather than jail, without requiring any arrests to resolve problems. With more resources, the team could have handled more than 2,500 incidents. The police chief supports the program's expansion, saying it frees his officers to handle more serious matters.

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