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  • “Fall-off-a-cliff moment”: Covid-19 adds new dimension to farmers' stress

    As the novel coronavirus disrupts how farmers get their products to consumers, many of them are looking for mental health resources to manage their stress. While the stigma of mental health issues prevents some farmers from seeking help, there are more outreach efforts across the United States to discuss the topic in the agriculture community. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has seen this year more website visitors to their page dedicated to farmers’ stress, so they are creating a helpline that farmers can reach through text and email.

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  • Fil-Ams on the frontlines: New York healthcare workers look after each other

    Two medical professionals, one in New York and one in the Phillipines, have launched a free online seminar that aims to help Filipino and Filipino American frontline workers who are experiencing mental health concerns due to coronavirus stressors. The program is just one of several that is helping medical professionals reduce the stigma around talking about mental health.

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  • Defund police? Some cities have already started, investing in mental health instead

    Less than one month into its use of a crisis intervention team to handle mental health calls in place of the police, Denver’s one-year STAR pilot project has been flooded with calls and already has achieved success in cases where police presence could have been a hindrance. Like many cities modeling new programs on the successful, long-running CAHOOTS program in Eugene, Oregon, Denver is making “defund the police” a reality with investments in mental health services. Empathic dialog in place of a police presence can lead to peaceful outcomes for people of color afraid of police.

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  • There's No Cure for Covid-19 Loneliness, but Robots Can Help Audio icon

    Robot pet therapy, which uses a social robot designed to look like a small animal, weigh the same as an infant, and communicate in a socially comforting way, is helping isolated seniors find a sense of companionship during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although some have raised ethical concerns about "the role of robots in caretaking," others point to evidence indicating success such as "reduced reliance on psychotropic drugs, improved blood pressure and oxygenation levels, and stirred the emotions of patients who otherwise often appeared disconnected."

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  • Native American groups address mental health amid COVID-19

    Aware that already-high rates of mental health problems and suicide in native American populations could grow even worse during COVID-19 isolation, a number of support groups rolled out online sessions that have attracted thousands of attendees seeking connections and comfort. The Native Wellness Institute's daily Power Hour on Facebook Live and the Healing Indigenous Lives Initiative's online meetings offer storytelling, wellness training, peer support, and other lessons in self-care.

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  • ACERT: Getting help for traumatized kids

    To connect children with the counseling and other services they need to heal from traumatic experiences, the Adverse Childhood Experience Response team trains police and others to spot problems early and make prompt referrals. Laconia's ACERT program has started small, with 14 interventions in its first nine months, but it's patterned on Manchester's program, which in less than four years has helped 1,200 children and families. By refining its approaches to families, the program convinces most to permit interventions. Early help for trauma can spare children long-term, serious health and emotional problems.

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  • How Bangor drug court participants are getting help staying sober during the pandemic

    Bangor drug court in Maine has turned to the use of Zoom to keep in contact with program participants during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although meeting via video call can disguise some physical symptoms of drug use, this new process has so far seen success with all participants still enrolled and one even graduating from the program.

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  • The Doctor Healing Wounds of War in Basilan

    By fostering dialog between the military and rebel soldiers in a region long afflicted with violence, a physician whose clinic exposed her to children’s severe PTSD has helped heal the effects of trauma and the scars of war. Save the Children of War in Basilan has gone beyond its focus on child health and welfare to broker reconciliation talks between rebel groups and the military, in large part by getting both sides to see their opponents’ motives through a new lens. Kidnappings, once rampant, have been nonexistent since 2016.

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  • There's already an alternative to calling the police Audio icon

    CAHOOTS, the 31-year-old program considered a model for the growing number of community-based crisis programs, fielded more than 24,000 calls in 2019, less than 1% of which required police involvement. The program's unarmed first responders use "unconditional positive regard," meaning support and acceptance for people in a mental health crisis. Although Eugene is relatively small, its proven system of de-escalation, meant to avoid police violence, has now been adopted in Denver, Oakland, Portland, and elsewhere.

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  • Outside the boxes

    Throughout the United States, health care professionals are beginning to prescribe "time outdoors" as a remedy for physical and mental illnesses in place of pharmaceuticals. Due to the stressors caused by Covid-19, this prescription – which is already being used in 32 states – could begin to play an even larger role in "the health care industry’s approach to treatment."

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