Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Nantes, un soutien psy par téléphone pour les plus fragiles

    Les thérapeutes bénévoles d’AlterSoin 44, un centre de soins nantais réservé aux personnes à faibles revenus, ont ouvert une ligne de soutien psychologique pour leurs bénéficiaires pendant la durée du confinement.

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  • Social Connectiveness at a Distance

    In order to stay connected during the onset of the pandemic, Time Out Youth Center in Charlotte, South Carolina, resorted to technology to stay connected with its clients, youth who identify as LGBTQIA. Part of their approach included using Discord, a free voice, video and messaging service which allowed the center's clients and counselors interact regardless of their location.

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  • Cursus spécifiques et suivi sur-mesure : universités et grandes écoles veulent mieux accompagner les « Asperger »

    Des établissements d’enseignement supérieur cherchent à mieux repérer et aider les étudiants atteints d'autisme. Formations adaptées, avec ateliers d'habilité sociale ou un suivi psychologique. Travail en réseau des établissements et formation de 500 enseignants et administratifs ou en "Cafés Asperger" entre étudiants autistes, sont autant d'initiatives qui permettent d'adapter les cursus aux particularités de ce trouble.

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  • Video-Chat für Menschen mit Depressionen

    Mit der Corona-Pandemie fallen Therapieplätze für Menschen mit Depressionen weg. Als Alternative soll das Angebot and Videosprechstunden und Online-Selbsthilfeprogrammen ausgebaut werden. In zwei Wochen gab es über 1000 Neuanmeldungen – pro Tag. Die Datenlage zur Effektivität ist aber bisher noch gering.

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  • Our Bodies, Our Wen-Do

    A Belarus women’s-empowerment support group using the Wen-Do method ends each session with the students breaking a piece of wood with a chop of their hand, a literal show of strength that communicates how defending against men’s harassment and physical attacks may require physical force as well as assertiveness. In Canada, where the method began, the training -- a mix of martial arts lessons and support-group dialog -- is associated with a 46% reduction in rape and 64% drop in attempted sexual assault.

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  • Mental health care in Colorado has gone virtual thanks to coronavirus. For some patients, it's long overdue.

    In Colorado, most mental health services have been moved online as a response to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Called telemental health, the virtual sessions give those that regularly see a therapist, or need to because of increased anxiety during the pandemic, an option to from home. While this is being seen as a breakthrough in services, barriers like access to technology and the lack of interpersonal connection provides their own set of challenges.

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  • Lockdown living: how Europeans are avoiding going stir crazy

    As governments order lockdowns of cities and countries due to coronavirus concerns, many people are at risk for experiencing mental health issues such as loneliness and anxiety. To combat this, people are turning to telemedicine for counseling consultations and to keep in touch with loved ones, as well as activities such as exercise to improve moods.

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  • Revive: A fatal overdose, a stunning coincidence, and a mother's long quest to heal.

    A mother's grief and a doctor's determination led to the first syringe-exchange center in Florida – a significant first step in increasing conversation around the merits of harm reduction policies. Since opening, the center has "collected 360,000 dirty syringes, provided medical treatment to 1,200 people, and helped 200 patients detox," while also reversing 1,450 overdoses, which has prompted five other counties to lift their syringe-exchange bans.

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  • Metro Detroit's yoga community finds breathing space online during COVID-19

    Gyms nationwide have had to close due to the spread of COVID-19, but a yoga studio in Metro Detroit is turning to technology to help deliver classes to the community. With the practice of yoga is associated with stress management, studio owners utilizing virtual options such as Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube in order to help their clientele cope.

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  • Telehealth therapy sessions available for more people; one center says some people won't have to pay

    One positive side effect of the encouraged social distancing due to the novel coronavirus outbreak is the shift to telemedicine, specifically the chance to have therapy sessions over phone and video calls. At one health center in the Houston area, about 90% of its typically 2,000 weekly appointments have made the transition to online.

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