Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In Payatas, a sewing facility employs drug war widows and orphans

    The drug war in the Phillipines is leaving behind widows and orphans struggling to support themselves. After providing aid in various forms, Project SOW developed a source of income for those who have lost breadwinners. A seamstress was hired to train the women to sew items like rugs, wallets, and tissue holders to sell for profit. Project SOW also provides counseling services.

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  • What California can learn from Seattle about police shootings

    Seattle has taken a comprehensive approach to police reform, including forming a community police commission, the development of policies on appropriate weapon use, more oversight on police force, and the creation of a specialty unit that focuses on mental health. While there has been pushback from officers, the safety of officers hasn’t been compromised and the use of force has decreased by sixty percent. With some calling it a success, California seeks to implement similar reform at the state level.

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  • Suicide Is Preventable. Hospitals and Doctors Are Finally Catching Up

    Medical professionals throughout the United States are starting to implement mental health screenings during routine care in order to better assess those at risk of suicide. Using a combination of health records and questionnaires to flag which patients should have continued follow-ups, clinics and primary care specialists prioritization of suicide intervention is already showing significant results.

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  • A district wades through a deluge of social-emotional learning curricula

    As the education community increasingly raises up social-emotional curricula as a solution to rising anxiety levels in young children, it can be hard for schools to know which of the countless programs and curricula are actually effective. One district in Virginia might have found a promising model — Bristol's schools have made several simple changes to give students the space to talk openly about their emotions and are seeing clear academic improvements.

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  • Youth suicide prevention that works

    New Hampshire K-12 schools are trying a variety of different initiatives to try to reduce the rates of suicide amongst youth. So far, two school-based prevention programs – one used in New Hampshire and one used in Sweden – have shown evidence of success. Both teach students how to recognize signs of depression and suicide risk and have reduced the rate of suicidal thoughts and attempts.

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  • An alternative to police: Mental health team responds to emergencies in Oregon

    In Eugene, Oregon, the Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets (CAHOOTS) initiative is providing a police-free response to mental health crises in the community. The mobile mental health unit responds to calls involving individuals with mental health issues, are trained in de-escalation, and provide in-the-moment services like transportation or access to wrap around services. These types of services have become more popular, with cities around the country piloting them.

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  • NYC: Where the Police Offer a Free Art Class Instead of Prosecution

    Since 2015, Project Reset has diverted potential criminal cases to programs that change behaviors without imposing punishment or staining people's records with criminal convictions. Art classes, behavioral therapy, and restorative dialogue have made 16- and 17-year-olds in the program significantly less likely to commit new offenses, while 98% of those admitted to the program have completed it. Offered in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Bronx, the program helped the Manhattan district attorney nearly cut in half the number of prosecutions of low-level misdemeanors and violations.

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  • The teens so addicted to phones they're going into detox Audio icon

    For those struggling with smartphone addiction, detox and counseling can prove beneficial. In South Korea, the government’s Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, alongside partners like the National Center for Youth Internet Addiction and the Youth Counseling and Welfare Center provide teens and elementary school students with detox programs to address the issue of internet and smartphone addiction. The students can attend summer camps where they switch off their phones, participate in activities, and attend counseling.

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  • Cook County Jail Program Helping Prevent Opioid Overdose Deaths By Providing Released Inmates With Naloxone

    After recognizing that just-released inmates were more likely to overdose on opioids, Cook County Jail partnered with Cook County Health to train at-risk detainees how to administer Naloxone nasal spray. This program also provides released detainees with Naloxone kits, and has recorded significant success from this process.

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  • Housing The Homeless Is Actually Saving LA Money

    In California, homeless populations oftentimes face much greater health issues which financially impacts the state's public health care system. To address barriers to obtaining housing, with a sub-goal of bettering people's health, Los Angeles County has implemented a housing for the homeless pilot project that makes housing a part of a health care plan.

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