Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a Richmond nonprofit is breaking barriers to mental health access among youth

    ChildSavers is a Richmond-based nonprofit offering students access to mental health services. The organization has group therapy sessions specifically focused on race and race-based stressors, along with telehealth and outpatient services.

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  • A cure for violence

    In the Boston area, the Roca organization intervenes before young men commit violence. Its "relentless outreach" approach is based on cognitive behavioral therapy, an approach that helps people recognize and change their destructive behavior and learn new skills to cope with conflict and stress – essential to keeping impulsive young men, many the victims of violent trauma, from committing violence. Researchers see evidence that the program, which has spread throughout the metro area and to Baltimore, makes people less likely to get arrested and more likely to get a job.

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  • Inside One Baltimore Group's Effort to Stop Youth Violence Before It Starts

    Baltimore's Roca program uses cognitive behavioral therapy, and patience and persistence, to work at changing the thinking of young people at high risk of committing or suffering gun violence. Counselors help their clients examine the trauma in their lives, learn to change their reactions to stress and conflict, and to choose legitimate jobs over the street economy. Unlike violence interruption programs that seek to mediate crises just as they threaten to turn deadly, Roca does its work further upstream, seeking to shape interactions before they turn critical.

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  • The helpline for jealous and violent men

    Most domestic violence telephone helplines offer help to women who have been abused, and counseling programs for men provide their services in prison, once men have committed serious violence. But Línea Calma tries to prevent domestic violence by offering men psychological counseling by phone. The sessions of 60 to 90 minutes focus on helping men understand their feelings of rage, often linked to jealousy and machismo. In just a few months, the line (which in Spanish means the Calm Line) has taken more than 2,000 calls and some couples attest to its effectiveness in enabling men to react more calmly.

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  • Can a Radical Treatment for Pedophilia Work Outside of Germany?

    Prevention Project Dunkelfeld is "arguably the world's most radical social experiment in treating pedophilia." Its prevention-first approach to providing treatment to people who are sexually attracted to children means that it encourages people to volunteer for treatment and disclose past and planned crimes without the threat of being reported to authorities and punished. German law makes this possible, but in most places such crossing of lines from thoughts to action would be grounds for mandatory reporting. This policy and the program's disputed claims of effectiveness have drawn harsh criticism.

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  • Guilty or not Guilty? How PSN Africa is addressing the realities of postpartum depression in Lagos State

    The Postpartum Support Network Africa turned a foothold in one Lagos hospital into a 50-hospital network in two states combatting postpartum depression by training healthcare workers, screening for the problem, and providing therapy to mothers. The World Health Organization estimates that postpartum depression affects nearly 1 in 5 women in developing countries. Though common, it can be hard to detect and many lack awareness of its symptoms and treatment. PSN Africa's six-year push to improve the response to the problem has reached tens of thousands of mothers and their caregivers.

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  • For Migrants, A Hopeful Journey Out of Darkness

    Doctors Without Borders (MSF) works with asylum seekers in Matamoros to address mental health issues while they wait for decisions in their U.S. immigration cases. MSF provides one-on-one and group counseling with a therapist trained to address the issues asylum seekers face. To build trust and decrease the stigma surrounding mental health and seeking treatment, MSF holds daily talks in the camp. Since kids show symptoms of trauma differently, MSF created mental health treatment in the form of interactive games and activities. MSF reports positive outcomes for the 3,100 mental health sessions held in 2020.

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  • How Project Dastaan is helping survivors of the 1947 India-Pakistan partition reconnect to their ancestral homes

    Refugees and survivors of the 1947 India-Pakistan partition reconnect to their homes through virtual reality footage of their homes and villages. The initiative, Project Dastaan, seeks to provide emotional closure to people who had to flee their homes in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. It also allows the children and grandchildren of survivors to gain a better understanding of their own histories and the trauma experienced by their loved ones. The digital experiences aim to raise awareness of the impact of the conflict and promote peace between the countries.

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  • How Schools Can Help Kids Heal After A Year Of 'Crisis And Uncertainty'

    Students' mental health is becoming a higher priority for schools across the U.S. At Hernandez Middle School in Chicago, each day starts with a check-in from their teacher, along with a mindfulness lesson and other useful coping skills. In Washington, D.C., some schools are partnering with local mental health organizations to provide counseling services to students.

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  • Lapwai addresses mental health by understanding a child's personal story and culture

    The Lawpwai School District in Idaho has taken a different approach to behavioral health. This new approach includes focusing on teaching positive behavior expectations, partnering with agencies to make on-site therapy available, educating staff on trauma and finding ways to inject Nez Perce culture into the whole process.

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