Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Depressed? Here's a Bench. Talk to Me. Audio icon

    Sometimes just having someone to talk to can help those who are suffering from depression. The Friendship Bench program in NYC borrows an idea from Harare, Zimbabwe, where healthcare workers—affectionately called Grannies—sit and consult with patients on benches outside of healthcare clinics. The Grannies help people discuss their issues and have had a measurably positive impact on those they’ve reached. In New York, the Friendship Benches connect individuals to peer mentors willing to listen across the city.

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  • Každý nepatří do léčebny. Jak péče na míru pomáhá snižovat počet sebevražd

    Lidem, u kterých je vysoké riziko sebevraždy, může pomoct cílená péče na míru. V rámci reformy psychiatrie v Česku vznikají státem financovaná Centra duševního zdraví, která se zaměřují na cílenou, přístupnou a na klienta zaměřenou psychiatrickou a psychologickou péči. Centra zaměstnávají nejen psychiatry a zdravotní sestry, ale též sociální pracovníky, kteří jsou zapojeni do různých aspektů léčby člověka s duševním onemocněním. Klíčový je vztah s klientem, který s lékařem spolupracuje a spolurozhoduje o typu léčby. Služba zatím není v Česku moc známá a pomoc se tak nedostane ke všem, kteří ji potřebují.

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  • How a Customized Approach Can Cut Suicide Risk

    Individuals at a high risk of suicide can benefit from targeted, accessible, and client-centered care. As part of a new mental health initiative, the Czech government is funding mental health centers for patients at high risk of suicide. The target prevention includes care teams consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, and social workers, all involved in different aspects of the client’s care.

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  • A City in Need of a Solution

    Homelessness is a serious issue in any state, but outlined in this article are 3 unique approaches in 3 different states that have proven successful. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Orlando, Florida, and Detroit, Michigan have all figured out effective plans to get people off the streets. Solutions range from actually giving homeless people permanent housing to designing a 90 day action plan with them to get them back on their feet to offering a quick and easy way to make some money for food or a night at a hotel.

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  • LGBTQ-focused therapy center offers scholarships for transpeople of color

    There are many factors that prohibit people from being able to attend mental health counseling including financial reasoning and difficulty finding the right therapist. This is often even more difficult for the LGBTQ community, but in Philadelphia, the LGBTQ-focused Walnut Psychotherapy Center is helping to eliminate some of these barriers by creating a wellness fund that distributes therapy scholarships.

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  • California Tests a Digital ‘Fire Alarm' for Mental Distress

    In a statewide, multi-business effort, California is working to identify a way to use technology to intervene in mental crises through the use of psychiatric apps. Acting as an early warning system, the piloting of these apps has allowed for collaboration between state officials, the app engineers and the users themselves.

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  • 'A tidal wave of problems': texting on the mental health frontline

    Communicating with volunteers via text message can be less intimating for young people than dialing a hotline. Mental Health Innovations, a UK-based charity, operates the Shout text hotline. The service is part of an initiative supported by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge mental health campaign. Those suffering from depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts can simply text the resource to connect with a volunteer.

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  • Can You Reshape Your Brain's Response To Pain?

    People who experience trauma in their early childhood are at a higher likelihood of experiencing chronic pain in later years, which often goes untreated. However, emotional awareness and expression therapy, which combines talk therapy with cognitive behavioral therapy, has shown significant success in treating those suffering from this health issue.

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  • A Program Gives Jobs To Those Most At Risk For Violence; Can Chicago Afford It?

    An anti-violence program in Chicago called the Rapid Employment and Development Initiative, or READI, identifies and engages with those most vulnerable to partake or be a victim of gun violence, and provides them with the support they need to avoid it. Born out of a collaboration between the University of Chicago’s Crime and Education Lab and various philanthropical efforts, READI gives participants job counseling and therapy to cope with current and past traumas. While it’s seen demonstrable success, it hopes to expand with the financial support from the city.

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  • Nurse Suicides: Talk To A Colleague

    Creating a more compassionate working environment helps lead clinicians suffering from depression, trauma, or burnout, to seek care. The University of California San Diego’s medical system has piloted several approaches. Code Lavender encourages small acts of intentional kindness toward co-workers. Caregiver Support Teams identify peer mentors that can provide emotional support and help struggling colleagues.

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