Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Honeycomb Credit expands to Philly to help small business owners get crowdsourced loans

    Founded in Pittsburgh, Honeycomb Credit expands to Philadelphia as a way to offer small businesses help with microfinance challenges. The company hosts a platform that allows businesses to create fundraising profiles; community members can watch a video about the business and decide to invest and receive monthly payouts from their contribution.

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  • Microlending Sparks Hope and Renewal in Rochester, N.Y.

    In 2016, the city of Rochester, NY partnered with Kiva—a crowd-funded microlender—to serve aspiring or established small-business owners. Their partnership offers interest-free loans, and already 20 of the loans have been fully repaid. This article looks at six different case studies of residents who have benefitted from the program.

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  • Making a More Democratic Economy, One Revolving Loan Fund at a Time

    Advancing the model of worker ownership requires expanding access to loans for cooperative businesses. In California, Berkeley City Council recently adopted changes to its Loan Fund for small businesses, allowing businesses without a CEO to apply for a loan. The City Council and Loan Administration board approved an idea put forth by the Sustainable Economics Law Center (SELC), which will permit coops to appoint a panel of owners to serve as guarantors of a loan, in lieu of a single CEO.

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  • Changing Lives by Building Credit History — One Microloan at a Time Audio icon

    A program through the Mission Asset Fund, based in San Francisco, helps low-income communities get loans and good credit from an unlikely source: each other. The initiative pools together funds from family members and neighbors and distributes the loan to one of the contributors each month; the loans are interest free and allow community members to build credit without the difficulties of breaking into the typical microfinance realm.

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  • Companies helping employees tackle student loan debt

    Companies get creative to help their employees tackle student debt by offering loan assistance as well as carrying over unused paid time off into a fund to chip away at debt. In San Diego, Fidelity Investments has found higher employee retention and workplace happiness with the addition of loan assistance as a benefit for employees with student debt.

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  • The Street Corner Answer

    Access Ventures, a community development organization founded in a Louisville neighborhood, uses a comprehensive investment approach that encourages funds to be dispersed in all issue areas. Instead of creating one "affordable housing fund" or "homeless services fund," the group interweaves investment strategies, making sure to look at the bigger community picture when laying out an investment plan.

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  • Collaborative Starting to Fill in the ‘Friends and Family' Capital Gap in Oakland

    A collaborative funding organization called the Runway Project gives loans to primarily Black entrepreneurs in the Oakland area. The initiative aims to address racial disparities in startup capital by reducing the financial risk of starting a business. The program also includes personalized support as a "wrap around" approach to the lending process.

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  • Has New York Found the Secret to Linking Retiring Farmers and Eager Upstarts?

    Connecting new farmers to community partners facilitates the process of buying and selling land. In addition to linking buyers and sellers, the Hudson Valley Farmlink Network (HVFN) enrolls local organizations such as GrowNYC’s FARMroots program, the Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Corporation, as well as micro lenders to make the sale of the land possible. The network increases the resources available to farmers in New York.

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  • How Funding Black Businesses Can Help Bridge the Racial Wealth Gap

    An Oakland nonprofit incubator, The Runway Project, addresses racial and economic injustices in entrepreneurship by offering flexible loans for people of color and low-income individuals looking to start a business. Borrowers benefit from flexible loan terms and qualifications, both of which are usually barriers to entry for people of color in the business world.

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  • Match Trading spreads – and could significantly boost earned income

    A program in the UK rewards select social enterprises by matching year-over-year sales growth. These incentives boost income from trading, as shown in a pilot program that matched up to £10,000.

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