Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • National program brings American Indian culture to Native students

    Through the Title VII federal grant program, schools in Utah incorporate American Indian cultural curriculum such as history and dance into the school day and offer additional academic supports specifically for American Indian students. "The program helps the parents in passing down traditions by providing culture classes that they may not have the knowledge to teach their own kids," explains one assistant coordinator.

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  • Native American Photographers Unite to Challenge Inaccurate Narratives

    The organization Natives Photograph was founded in order to create accurate, culturally sensitive images of Native Americans as well as support the careers of indigenous photographers.

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  • Native Language Schools Are Taking Back Education

    One night Jessie Little Doe Baird had a dream. Her ancestors told her it was time to bring back the Wôpanâak language to her community. The dream helped launch the the Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project, which later led to the Mukayuhsak Weekuw preschool. 20 students are enrolled and the entire curriculum is in the Wôpanâak language.

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  • How a private company is bringing affordable houses to Indian Country

    A private company called Travois acts as a bridge between tribes and private investors in order to help make affordable housing more accessible in tribal homelands across the West. The company brings investors to tribal land and, in turn, helps to attain tax credits for investments in this land.

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  • Making history by saving it: UW groups keep indigenous languages alive

    “It’s like my tongue is tap-dancing,” is how one student described learning Lushootseed, an indigenous language. Colleges and universities are allowing students to get a credit for learning an indigenous language. A feat, that for some, is a way to relearn a lost history.

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  • Nuxalk people roll up their sleeves to construct a solution

    In the the Nuxalk Nation, the deep seated effects of colonialism were felt, literally. The Nation had a housing crisis, that was exacerbated by outside contractors and architects who built subar housing. In 2015, community leaders created an apprenticeship program that matched “Nuxalk apprentices with advanced skilled workers, members of the Nuxalk Nation are building their own homes with their own resources, just as their ancestors once did.”

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  • Native American peacemaking courts offer a model for reform

    A growing number of tribal judges nationwide - including Judge Abby Abinanti of the Yurok Tribal Court - are using a framework of traditional culture and an approach known as "restorative justice" to address both the need for rehabilitation of offenders and resolution for people often failed by the dominant criminal justice system.

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  • How a struggling school for Native Americans doubled its graduation rate

    Since opening its doors in 2006, the Native American Community Academy has built up a school led by native leaders and centered around curricula informed by tribal cultures in New Mexico. The charter school has had remarkable success educating a population that has traditionally sat at the bottom of math and reading test score rankings and is now exporting its model to other tribes around the country.

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  • Inventing a Vocabulary to Help Inuit People Talk About Climate Change

    A graduate student from British Columbia, the Arctic Energy Alliance, and the elders of the Inuvialuit people may seem a strange team, but together they are tackling the dual concerns of climate change and the loss of indigenous language in Canada. By inventing new terms and words in the Inuvialuit language to describe renewable energy technologies, they are increasing awareness about sustainable development while helping preserve the culture and heritage of this unique population.

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  • Hospital Beats Federal Bureaucracy to Offer Local Traditional Foods

    The siglaug, is an Inupiaq word for ice cellar. It is also how the Inupiaq people are preserving a part of their culture. The siglaug, opened after the Farm Bill was passed, which allowed for the opening of a food processing center. Prior to that, elders staying at the local hospital ward could only eat federally approved foods like spaghetti. “Since 2015, the sigluaq has provided a facility for Harris and others to process donated meat, fish, and fowl according to government regulations so they can be served to elders in the long-term care.”

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