Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Mask Project offers jobs to unemployed and masks to Arizona's hardest-hit communities

    An interfaith partnership between religions institutions and communities in Arizona has helped provide mask-making jobs to those who have lost their sources of income during the coronavirus pandemic. Participants include many from Latino and Native American communities who have been particularly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The project is not only providing enough of an income for these community members to support their families, but it also is working to keep the local communities safe by distributing the masks to those who need them.

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  • Some Parents Skip Meals to Feed Their Children, but Who Will Feed the Adults? One Organization Has an Answer

    Community Services Unlimited (CSU) is a local organization in Southern California that is helping to increase access to healthy foods for families all year round, but especially now during the Covid-19 pandemic. Unlike many food aid programs, the goal of CSU is not just to provide food, but to "create more empowered food communities" by teaching the local community valuable and usable skills around food production and distribution.

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  • The Farm to Food Bank Movement Aims to Rescue Small-Scale Farming and Feed the Hungry Audio icon

    Supply chains have been disrupted with the restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic, and farmers are suffering from a lack of buying customers. Meanwhile, food banks are in dire straits as more and more people seek support after losing jobs to the pandemic. What's needed? A middle man. This article looks at a range of solutions across the United States in which organizations and community groups are stepping up to fill the gap between the two needs. They largely do this by purchasing, packaging, and distributing surplus product to local food banks who need more donations for the community.

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  • How a coastal Louisiana tribe is using generations of resilience to handle the pandemic

    The Grand Caillou/Dulac Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw has long had a culture of cyclicality which is now coming in handy during the Coronavirus pandemic. Because they assume that hardship will come after periods of abundance, tribal members prepare for times of scarcity by making do with less, strategizing new ways to produce food, and regularly checking in with elders to ensure their needs are met. The tribe also lives on the coast of Louisiana, so climate change and environmental degradation remain an issue that they include in their future-planning.

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  • Appalachia's Front Porch Network Is a Lifeline

    Counties in Appalachia are meeting increased food assistance needs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In some school districts, bus drivers continue their routes delivering free meals - and a familiar face - to any family who requests it. Kanawha County Schools provided more than 12,500 meals in the first week. Some school buses are also equipped with free wi-fi so that children without access to the internet can complete homework assignments. Traditional food banks in the area have also worked to meet increased demand and have had to adapt their practices for contactless distribution.

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  • The Underground Efforts to Get Masks to Doctors

    Communities and medical professionals are working together to create their own mutual aid supply chain as shortages of personal protective equipment plague U.S. hospitals during the coronavirus pandemic. This "temporary but necessary" solution has helped disperse nearly 200,000 masks and thousands of gloves, gowns, goggles, and face shields to hospitals throughout the country by using using community members as the quality control and delivery team for equipment provided by local suppliers.

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  • Mask sewing project among Chicago refugee groups leads to new career goal: ‘This is my job'

    What started out as a way to help provide face masks to those who needed them during the Covid-19 pandemic, turned into a job skill training opportunity for some refugees in Chicago. Although the funds earned from participating in the project don't necessarily provide a living-wage, the participants have been able to learn skills – such as learning how to navigate public transportation – that increase independence.

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  • Hotel Vouchers 4 All Provides San Diego Homeless People with Shelter During Pandemic

    When COVID-19 hit the U.S., Hotel Vouchers 4 All was created as an emergency response to finding housing for San Diego residents experiencing homelessness. Funded by donations, the initiative has partnered with a local motel to negotiate lower rates for individuals to stay and socially distance during the pandemic. It also helps provide meals, clothes, PPE, and access to health services, but with limited funding and a lack of support from the city, it’s sustainability hangs in question.

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  • A volunteer army has answered Colorado's need for masks. Denver's jails are one recent beneficiary.

    Across Colorado, grassroots groups have come together to create homemade masks for the state’s most vulnerable populations to protect against COVID-19. Two of those populations are Denver’s Downtown Detention Center and Denver County Jail. Groups like Dena’s Mask Making Army, the Mask Mavens, and even some AA and sober living communities have rallied together – virtually, of course – to use their sewing skills to fill the mask needs, about 3 masks per person, for those experiencing incarceration.

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  • The man feeding a remote Alaska town with a Costco card and a ship

    To better meet the demands created by the coronavirus pandemic, a local grocer in a remote town in Alaska is redefiing and reforming how the local supply chain operates. A series of preemptive moves – such as creating partnerships with suppliers and purchasing their own barge – gave the father-and-son grocer team more control over operations and has allowed the store to offer supplies that have been in high demand nationwide.

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