Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Perth's first ocean rubbish bin is sucking plenty of plastic out of the sea

    Two surfers, appalled by debris they found off of Australia’s coast, crowdsourced a way to build Seabin, a floating trash collector. They are tracking and analyzing the debris collected. Though not yet a widespread solution, the Seabin is helping keep the local marina clean.

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  • How Teenage Sisters Pushed Bali To Say 'Bye-Bye' To Plastic Bags

    The island nation of Indonesia is the world's second biggest polluter of marine plastics, which can be disastrous for its tourism industry, setting aside the obvious environmental hazards. But two sisters in Bali took on the problem head on in 2013 with Bye Bye Plastic Bags. After an online petition, the sisters launched massive beach cleanups, awareness campaigns, and community workshops. After enough momentum, the governor of Bali banned single-use plastic.

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  • Cleaning New York's filthy harbor with one billion oysters

    Since 2014, the Billion Oyster Project has been working to restore oyster reefs to the New York coasts in an attempt to reduce pollution and bring back marine life. In partnership with restaurants and students throughout the city, the foundation and grant funded project is seeing the return of some oyster reefs and using artificial reefs to support more marine life.

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  • How a Guatemalan Town Tackled Its Plastic Problem

    San Pedro La Laguna, a town in Guatemala, has banned single use plastics including plastic bags and straws after realizing that plastic pollution was ruining the ecosystem of Lake Atitlan and that a new waste facility would be unable to handle the amount of garbage created in the village. To ensure that people follow the new regulation, there are heavy fees - but the town also bought traditionally made biodegradable replacements; the change is being framed as a way to return to traditional, indigenous ways for the communities.

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  • Meet Greece's Marine Trash Collectors Diving To Keep Their Sea Beautiful

    Greece is not known favorably for their recycling habits, but a few local residents have made it their mission to change this in order to reduce ocean litter. From turning plastics into furniture to forming a diving coalition to remove plastic waste from the sea, these Greeks are hoping their actions will inspire others to follow suit.

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  • Florida's Counties Grapple With the Rotten Harvest of Red Tide

    The Red Tide that hit the coast of Florida in 2018 resulted in a massive amount of waste and dead sea species washing ashore. With no protocol in place to clean up the toxic mess, counties had to learn while doing. From failures to successes, the state is now better equipped to mobilize should a similar event happen in the future.

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  • Inside the daring plan to map every coral reef from space

    Researchers are using satellite imagery and data to create the first global, high-resolution map of all coral reefs. The project, known as the Allen Coral Atlas, will help provide a baseline for scientists to monitor bleaching events and other short-term changes, which could lead to devastating changes.

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  • A sea change: how one small island showed us how to save our oceans

    Over the last ten years, the Isle of Man has worked to implement regulations around plastic pollution, climate change and overfishing. From a locally owned beach clean-up charity to creating marine nature reserves, the Isle of Man is now a model for neighboring countries on how to achieve this level of success.

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  • Ocean plastic is a huge problem. Blockchain could be part of the solution.

    Plastic waste often ends up in oceans which in turn impacts not only the health of the coastal ecosystem, but human health as well when people consume fish that have ingested the plastic fragments. To keep plastic out of the oceans, Plastic Bank, a company based in Vancouver, has created and launched a blockchain-based recycling system in Haiti that exchanges cryptocurrency via an app when plastic is deposited in a recycling center.

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  • Rescuing Sea Turtles From Fishermen's Nets

    In fishing communities, it isn't uncommon for fishermen to accidentally entrap endangered sea turtles. A non-profit in Kenya, however, has figured out a way to not only help raise awareness about the importance of releasing the turtles, but also to build trust with the fishermen and incentivize the releases.

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