Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The islands that went from whale hunting to whale watching

    The Azores archipelago transitioned from hunting whales to whale conservation and eco-tourism that support research by implementing whale watching guidelines and building up the new industry after whaling was banned.

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  • In Baltic Sea, citizen divers restore seagrass to fight climate change

    The SeaStore Seagrass Restoration Project in Kiel, Germany, is teaching locals to harvest and replant the underwater grasses. The project is restoring areas these plants used to inhabit because they store large amounts of carbon.

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  • A non-profit is trying to save manatees by restoring seagrass

    The Ecosphere Restoration Institute received $5 million from the Florida State Legislature to restore the declining seagrasses on 100 acres of the coast. The organization partnered with experts who have permits to harvest the seeds, grow them in a nursery, and replant them in shallow areas. The project will also help prevent manatee deaths, as the animal depends on seagrass as a food source.

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  • A Powerful Climate Solution Just Below the Ocean's Surface

    A project at the Volgenau Virginia Coast Reserve has restored 10,000 acres of seagrass meadow. For two decades, scientists and volunteers have worked together to collect, process, and plant seeds to grow the carbon-storing underwater plants.

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  • Barrages anti-érosion : au Sénégal «on a même vu de l'herbe repousser»

    L’île de Diogué est le site pilote du système d’épis ­Maltais-Savard, qui installe des barrages avec des matériaux naturels, comme des troncs d’eucalyptus et des feuilles de palmier, pour lutter contre l’érosion. La méthode a permis de récupérer plusieurs mètres de plage.

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  • Mekong shrimp farmers less keen to share space with mangroves

    Farmers in Vietnam use integrated shrimp-mangrove ponds to produce organic shrimp for a higher profit while preserving endangered native mangroves. When practicing traditional shrimp farming, the mangrove forests would be cleared but leaving the trees near the water provides nutrients and breeding grounds for the shrimp.

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  • The Mexican family who gave up fishing to monitor and rescue sea turtles

    A family of former fishers created the Kino Bay Turtle Group to monitor sea turtles in Mexico’s La Cruz Lagoon. The conservationists work to rescue and tag turtles entangled in fishing gear, track the population, and educate the public about their importance.

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  • Fortified with Coconuts, 'Living' Shorelines Are Stopping Coastal Erosion

    Shredded coconut husk, known as Coir, is becoming a popular material for shoreline restoration projects. It’s typically used to trap sediment while protecting vegetation and wildlife from the force of waves. Once the vegetation has several years to flourish, the natural coconut fibers will have decomposed.

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  • Up-Close Ecotourism Is Nurturing Gray Whales in Mexico

    A fishing cooperative at the San Ignacio Lagoon protects gray whales that use the lagoon as a nursery by not fishing at that time of the year. Instead, their income comes from ecotourism which brings people close to the whales during that season.

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  • Over 2,000 Companies Buy and Sell Recycled Plastic at This Online Marketplace

    A startup in Germany created an online platform, Cirplus, that connects recycling companies with manufacturers and distributors in the plastic industry. The site encourages the move towards a circular economy by improving transparency for buyers and sellers.

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