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  • Fish out of water: How B.C.'s salmon farmers fell behind the curve of sustainable, land-based aquaculture

    Dwindling numbers of wild salmon have been reported in British Columbia’s coastal waters, so many organizations, governments, and fishers have advocated for land-based salmon farming. The transition to more sustainable practices from open net pen farms, though, has not been easy. Some say the science behind land-based salmon farming has not been decided yet. However, Kuterra was the first commercial-sized land-based salmon farming facility in North America and it harvests about 90,000 Atlantic salmon a year that is sold in grocery stores and restaurants.

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  • A Unique Alliance Could Help Warn Us of Toxic Algae

    A unique partnership between scientists, state agencies, and coastal communities in Washington state allows these different entities to monitor and manage toxic algal blooms. Known as the Olympic Region Harmful Algal Blooms Partnership, the initiative allows them to take water samples and analyze them for domoic acid, which is a deadly neurotoxin produced by algae. This collaboration allows fishers from tribal communities to know if it’s safe to harvest seafood and state officials to warn people when it becomes unsafe.

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  • Hurricane Sandy battered NYC 8 years ago. Since then, how has the city shored up against future superstorms? Oyster castles.

    As a way to soften the impacts of a future storm, an artificial oyster reef was installed in New York City. This green infrastructure can absorb the shock of waves and decrease the amount of flooding, as well as build up the shore over time effectively reversing erosion. Environmentalists argue that this type of barrier is more cost-effective than traditional seawalls and will adapt to sea level changes over time.

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  • Could Seaweed Help Save Us From Climate Catastrophe?

    Seaweed aquaculture is a growing field that scientists are investigating for a number of climate-related uses, from reducing methane emissions in livestock to replacing plastic in packaging. Governments, startups, and researchers around the world are getting into the algae business that is also helping to create new jobs. There are challenges with scaling many of these products, but recent research for many of these initiatives have shown signs of early success.

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  • The world's fastest-growing source of food

    Local villages along the coast of India are seen as a model for large-scale seaweed cultivation, which can be a form of sustainable agriculture and climate mitigation. As the country’s land is being lost to soil degradation, seaweed cultivation has had a positive socio-economic impact on the communities. About 1,200 families, mostly women farmers, are involved in collecting seaweed for industrial use, allowing them to increase their economic independence.

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  • Saving Cape Cod's dolphins

    To prevent the mass stranding of dolphins on Cape Cod, staff and volunteers from the International Fund for Animal Welfare are utilizing technology to work efficiently and quickly to save these creatures. An app called Send Word Now helps coordinate their 220 rescue volunteers along the coast, which has led to an increased in dolphin survival rate over the years. In Wellfleet, researchers are using sound recording devices to listen to dolphin sounds, which can help predict if they’re about to strand and offers more time for first responders to help.

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  • Meet Philadelphia's First “Community-Supported Fishery”

    A community-based seafood program called Fiishadelphia is the first community supported fishery run by high-school students in the city. They offer locally harvested and affordable seafood to a diverse customer base with an emphasis on accessibility for those experiencing economic hardship. The major cost is the distribution, delivery, and operation of the program, but so far, they have purchased 5,000 pounds of various types of fish and 25,000 pounds of shellfish and have connected community members directly to the suppliers.

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  • Growing vegetables in seawater could be the answer to feeding billions

    As climate changes causes seawater to flood land and increase the salt content in soil, farms in Scotland and the Netherlands are experimenting with using the saltwater to grow food. Seawater Solutions is growing crops called halophytes that have a high-salt tolerance and can be eaten or used as material for cosmetics and biofuels. And the Salt Farm Foundation has shown that potatoes, cabbage, and tomatoes can grow in saltwater. These projects can labor intensive, but seawater irrigation could be a viable climate adaptation solution.

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  • How Fishers Became Data Scientists to Strengthen Their Marine Protected Area

    A research project in a marine protected area (MPA) off the coast of South Africa brought fishers and scientists together to understand the abundance of fish and rock lobster in the waters. The project paid fishers to lower baited remote underwater video stations and got youth involved to review the video footage. By bringing fishers into the project and building trust with the community, they were able to demonstrate the importance of a MPA and empower them to be part of the decision-making process.

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  • An unexpected outcome of the Great Bear Rainforest agreement: tasty sustainable scallops

    Coastal Shellfish, an Indigenous aquaculture company in British Columbia, is focusing on sustainable food and food security through its product Great Bear Scallops. This is the first project funded by the Costal Funds trust set up by donors, governments, and First Nations to support sustainable Indigenous-led businesses. The company has been selling scallops to several local businesses like restaurants and breweries.

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