Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Surprising Rural Health-Care Legacy of the ‘60s

    Across the United States, rural health-care centers that qualify to receive a Federally Qualified Health Centers designation are better able to provide affordable care for those that need it. Although there are limitations and other issues still being addressed, these health care centers are "committed to serving everyone, regardless of ability to pay."

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  • A Tale of Two PHCs in Niger State: Accessing Equitable Healthcare From Beji to Maito

    In Niger State, not all health clinics are treated equally, but one in the Beji village, Bosso Local Government Area (LGA) acts as a model for other healthcare providers to follow. From proactively educating patients about HIV to offering services most rural health clinics fail to offer, the Beji Primary Health Centre (PHC) "provides all the services a PHC is meant to deliver."

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  • How a Customized Approach Can Cut Suicide Risk

    Individuals at a high risk of suicide can benefit from targeted, accessible, and client-centered care. As part of a new mental health initiative, the Czech government is funding mental health centers for patients at high risk of suicide. The target prevention includes care teams consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, and social workers, all involved in different aspects of the client’s care.

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  • Každý nepatří do léčebny. Jak péče na míru pomáhá snižovat počet sebevražd

    Lidem, u kterých je vysoké riziko sebevraždy, může pomoct cílená péče na míru. V rámci reformy psychiatrie v Česku vznikají státem financovaná Centra duševního zdraví, která se zaměřují na cílenou, přístupnou a na klienta zaměřenou psychiatrickou a psychologickou péči. Centra zaměstnávají nejen psychiatry a zdravotní sestry, ale též sociální pracovníky, kteří jsou zapojeni do různých aspektů léčby člověka s duševním onemocněním. Klíčový je vztah s klientem, který s lékařem spolupracuje a spolurozhoduje o typu léčby. Služba zatím není v Česku moc známá a pomoc se tak nedostane ke všem, kteří ji potřebují.

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  • Tucson-area reproductive-health program thrives by allowing teens to help teens

    Peer-to-peer reproductive health programs allow the concerns of youth to be heard and addressed. In Tucson, Arizona, the El Rio Health Center’s Reproductive Health Access Project allowed young people to have a say in the design of the program and types of services offered, including sexual health screenings and education. With the help a grant through Advocates for Youth, the program also operates AZ Shine, a teen-focused appointment service.

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  • With Rural Health Care Stretched Thin, More Patients Turn To Telehealth

    Almost a quarter of rural Americans surveyed by NPR had used a telehealth service in the past few years. While new technologies are allowing remote patients to gain new access to healthcare, lack of broadband service and outdated insurance policies are making it hard for more widespread adoption.

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  • A Public Library Brings Opportunity to the Blind

    The Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library is a branch of the New York Public Library system that offers a wide array of services for vision-impaired adults and children. They hold the largest physical collection of braille books in the country, as well as thousands of downloadable digital braille books, audio books, and newspaper subscriptions. Included amongst these offerings are also the Talking Books program which records and distributes their collection of 200,000 recorded books, hardware and software tech to help illustrate things like tactile maps or diagrams, and simple community classes.

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  • Creating a haven for quality primary care in Niger: The Fuka example

    Access to medical resources improves the effectiveness of health centers. In the village of Fuka, in Nigeria’s Niger State, NGOs such as the RAiSE Foundation and TY Danjuma Foundation have stepped in to support the local Primary Health Centre (PHC). Multiple initiatives, including home visits and the distribution of mosquito nets, have built relationships with the community; the most successful aspects have been the Mama Kit, given free of charge to pregnant women at the PHC, and the donation of an emergency ambulatory tricycle.

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  • When There's No Doctor Nearby, Volunteers Help Rural Patients Manage Chronic Illness

    In Wyoming, volunteers are given health care trainings to help them as caregivers to those with chronic illnesses who are too far away from a doctor to receive adequate care. That curriculum, along with support groups, is helping those in rural communities practice chronic disease self management to improve quality of life.

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  • Free heroin? Unusual clinic offers 'chance at being human again'

    In Vancouver, a program at the Crosstown Clinic is combatting drug overdoses by administering low-dose heroin to people who use drugs to keep them from experiencing withdrawal symptoms. The idea behind this approach is to treat the addiction like a medical problem rather than a criminal one.

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