Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Bosnian Seniors Fight Loneliness Through Arts and Crafts

    Nas Most uses artistic and cultural initiatives to combat loneliness among seniors. Over seven years, informal weekly meet-ups turned into formal painting and handicraft courses and membership grew from 30 to over 100 seniors. The association also organizes events to exhibit members’ works and partners with other groups to create and share podcasts, organize concerts, and offer other artistic events for seniors. Cultural exchanges with organizations in Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, and Serbia also help build social connections, which provide physical and mental health benefits for seniors.

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  • Zeničko udruženje Naš most potpomaže zdravo starenje kroz umjetnost

    Udruženje Naš Most koristi inicijative iz kulture i umjetnosti kao borbu protiv usamljenosti među starijim osobama. Više od sedam godina, neformalni sedmični sastanci pretvorili su se u formalne kurseve slikanja i rukotvorina, a članstvo je poraslo sa 30 na preko 100 starijih osoba. Udruženje također organizira događaje na kojima se izlažu radovi članova i sarađuje s drugim grupama kako bi stvarali i razmjenjivali podcaste, organizirali koncerte i ponudili druge umjetničke događaje starijim osobama.

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  • Online Art Keeps Bosnia's Isolated Seniors Connected in Pandemic

    Before the coronavirus pandemic, Our Bridge in Bosnia provided services to seniors to combat social isolation. Despite having to shut down in-person classes due to the pandemic, both groups now use online art and music classes to reach people who are isolated and at risk of depression. The group joined with the Serbian association, Art Aparat, to offer singing, art, and handicraft classes by video. In person connections are preferred and missed, but the group adapted to changing circumstances to provide even more isolated seniors with social connections, and the partnership allows for cultural exchanges.

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  • Study Finds Painting Eyes On Cows' Butts Can Save Their Lives

    As a way to prevent livestock from being attacked by predators and to decrease conflict between farmers and big cats, a pair of conservation biologists painted eyes on the backsides of cattle to fool carnivores during their hunt. A study in Botswana showed that cows painted with artificial eyes on their behinds tricked predators into thinking they’ve been seen by their prey. While it’s not a perfect protection method for cattle, over the four years of the study, none of the cows with the colorful posteriors were killed compared with control groups.

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  • How Ashland SWCD uses art to teach stormwater management

    As a way to raise funds and awareness for stormwater education, some cities are turning rain barrels into an art exhibit. Rain barrels catch water as it runs off rooftops, which can be used later for watering plants. It also reduces the amount of water that picks up pollutants and is carried into waterways. The Ashland Soil and Water Conservancy District in Ohio featured 10 rain barrels painted by local artists, allowing residents to vote and bid on their favorite design. Their efforts were inspired by a similar event in Indiana where they’ve auctioned 100 barrels for residents to use at home.

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  • Mural project brought Black voices to a shuttered State Street

    A “rapid response” mural project transformed shuttered storefronts with vibrant messages of pride, perseverance, anger, justice, and unity. The project was funded by Arts in Public Places Looking Forward, a new organized formed to support artists impacted by Covid-19. An open call was posted for interested artists, and the project prioritized artists who had been affected by racial violence and injustice. More than 100 commissioned murals, and many more works of graffiti and public art, focused on support for the Black Lives Matter movement or called on an end to police misconduct.

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  • Detroit Gallery Packages Meals with Artist-Designed Coloring Book for Kids

    To help fill the gap for some 200 Detroit students who rely on school lunches, local artists and nonprofits are teaming up to distribute meals and provide creative inspiration. Library Street Collective, an art gallery in downtown Detroit, provides the students with sketchbooks developed by artists. Meanwhile, Standby, an acclaimed restaurant, prepares the meals. Partners from other Detroit organizations step in to help with additional logistics.

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  • Arizona behavioral health unit unveils murals to help mental health

    Flagstaff Medical Center has incorporated the arts into their behavioral health unit, where they treat people with depression, anxiety, and other issues—they hired local artists to paint murals on the walls. Staff at the center say that the art has had a positive effect on the patients and allows them to reflect on where they came from.

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  • At Detention Camps and Shelters, Art Helps Migrant Youths Find Their Voices

    Art therapy allows minors in detention to cope with stress and trauma. In “Uncaged Art: Tronillo Children’s Detention Camp,” an art exhibition housed at the Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens at the University of Texas at El Paso, displays works of art created by unaccompanied minors detained at the US-Mexico border. Nonprofits like Annunciation House and the International Rescue Committee are also using art to make migrant shelters more accommodating to the needs—and stresses—of children’s experiences.

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  • Students convince Medford to install ‘3-D' crosswalks at elementary schools

    In an effort to promote safe driving, a local artist painted a three-dimensional crosswalk near an elementary school. The idea came from school-aged children, noticing the intersection needed improvements, who brought it to City Hall officials. This initiative is part of a larger trend in using optical illusions to bolster traffic safety around the world.

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