Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Upcoming Philadelphia Based App Connects LGBTQ Folks with Informed Affordable Health Care

    When you're new to a city, finding health practitioners that you trust can be difficult, and it's made even more challenging if you identify as LGBTQ and are looking for queer-competent providers. A new app launching in Philadelphia changes that thought, by acting as a "queer health care 'Yelp.'”

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  • The Surprising Rural Health-Care Legacy of the ‘60s

    Across the United States, rural health-care centers that qualify to receive a Federally Qualified Health Centers designation are better able to provide affordable care for those that need it. Although there are limitations and other issues still being addressed, these health care centers are "committed to serving everyone, regardless of ability to pay."

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  • Lacking Sexual Assault Nurses, Some Ky. Hospitals Illegally Turn Victims Away

    In Kentucky, sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) are often the frontline responders for survivors of a sexual assault, but have yet to be available in every hospital. Too often, women are turned away because of an absence of SANE nurses, which tend to be in more metro areas. Communities that do have access to the specialized services see an increase in rape prosecutions and a decrease in long term health concerns for these women, but making sure such services are statewide has proved economically challenging.

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  • Každý nepatří do léčebny. Jak péče na míru pomáhá snižovat počet sebevražd

    Lidem, u kterých je vysoké riziko sebevraždy, může pomoct cílená péče na míru. V rámci reformy psychiatrie v Česku vznikají státem financovaná Centra duševního zdraví, která se zaměřují na cílenou, přístupnou a na klienta zaměřenou psychiatrickou a psychologickou péči. Centra zaměstnávají nejen psychiatry a zdravotní sestry, ale též sociální pracovníky, kteří jsou zapojeni do různých aspektů léčby člověka s duševním onemocněním. Klíčový je vztah s klientem, který s lékařem spolupracuje a spolurozhoduje o typu léčby. Služba zatím není v Česku moc známá a pomoc se tak nedostane ke všem, kteří ji potřebují.

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  • How a Customized Approach Can Cut Suicide Risk

    Individuals at a high risk of suicide can benefit from targeted, accessible, and client-centered care. As part of a new mental health initiative, the Czech government is funding mental health centers for patients at high risk of suicide. The target prevention includes care teams consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, and social workers, all involved in different aspects of the client’s care.

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  • Why are women declining this surgery?

    Addressing the stigma surrounding Caesarean sections in sub-saharan Africa is a vital component in reducing maternal mortality. In Nigeria, the nonprofit, Mamalette, a nonprofit organization, recruits and trains mothers to acts as mentors to pregnant women. The “Mamalette Champions,” not only provide assistance navigating the healthcare system leading up to birth, they also work to dispel misconceptions about C-sections.

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  • Oregon Leading the Nation in Clearing Backlog of Untested Rape Kits with Survivor-Focused Legislature

    As of 2018, Oregon’s backlog of Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) kits had been cleared thanks to the passage of a state bill, commonly referred to as Melissa’s Law. Besides clearing the accumulated kits, the legislation requires police to pick-up the kits from hospitals within seven days of notification and submit SAFE kits for testing within two weeks. Such a response has led to six perpetrators being identified as well as a systemic, patient-driven process for sexual assault survivors.

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  • Helping the Homeless to Make Their Medical Preferences Known

    When people experiencing homelessness are admitted to a hospital, they don't always have advance care directives in place which takes ownership away from them as far as dictating their treatment, who to contact and what to do with their organs should they die. The St. Robert’s Center in Venice, California is working to change this, however, by bringing the necessary paperwork to those that may need it most.

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  • How Telangana is improving maternal mortality and bringing down C-sections

    To address the issue of maternal mortality that was linked with women giving birth at private hospitals instead of public, Telangana implemented a series of reforms including childbirth kits, financial incentives, an ambulance system, and enhanced training and guidelines. The state has now seen an increase in natural childbirth in public hospital facilities and credits these solutions as ways of making "public health facilities less intimidating."

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  • Treat Medicines Like Netflix Treats Shows

    Australia has found a promising model to make high-priced medicine cheaper for patients, including expensive treatments for Hepatitis C, which the country is now on track to eradicating by 2026. The strategy works similar to the business strategy of subscription streaming services- by paying a lump sum to drug producers, Australia gets an unlimited amount of the drug for 5 years, allowing all patients to get help while ensuring stable profits for drug companies.

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