Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Cleaning New York's filthy harbor with one billion oysters

    Since 2014, the Billion Oyster Project has been working to restore oyster reefs to the New York coasts in an attempt to reduce pollution and bring back marine life. In partnership with restaurants and students throughout the city, the foundation and grant funded project is seeing the return of some oyster reefs and using artificial reefs to support more marine life.

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  • In Pakistan, sanitation and water access improves quality of life

    In Pakistan, water sanitation and hygiene is more than just a public health issue - it's also an issue of women's rights and safety as women face harassment when attempting to access water or when having to defecate in places that are not private. However, new hand pumps from NGOs and other state-sanctioned improvement projects have helped ensure that women have clean water closer to home, and that working toilets are provided at schools.

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  • Sharps Kits, Syringes and Solidarity

    Many health care facilities that supply needles don't have the proper training or experience to work with trans-identified people that are undergoing hormone therapy. To help address this gap in care, an education and advocacy nonprofit in Eugene, Oregon acts as a hub for the community's clean needle exchange needs.

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  • Oregon Promise: How Oregon makes college possible for low-income and first-generation students

    The Oregon Promise, which will pay a portion of an in-state student's tuition towards one of Oregon's community colleges, has been a game changer for some undocumented, first-generation, and low-income students. While the program still has kinks to iron out and has not proven the right fit for all students, it has made higher education a reality for many students who didn't formerly think pursuing education beyond high school was a realistic option.

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  • A year of disaster relief shows how important cash is in helping to rebuild

    Nonprofit organization Direct Relief is providing financial assistance to organizations and communities struck by natural disasters or extreme poverty, in addition to traditional goods like medicines, vaccines, and equipment. Realizing the sustainability of cash over goods, Direct Relief's funding has helped organizations staff up in times of crisis, or install long-term solutions like converting to solar energy.

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  • School makes counseling cool for kids with a pop-up wellness center

    In recent years, School 145 in New York City has significantly bolstered its mental health counseling services, with the help of the nonprofit Counseling in Schools, and test scores are starting to improve. "I have 52 students whose parents have given me letters saying 'in case I get deported, this is where my child is going.'" the principal explained, emphasizing the importance of providing mental health care resources at school. "And then we have to talk about college and career readiness."

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  • How Tulsa's bold experiment is bringing families closer to stability

    In Tulsa, Oklahoma, philanthropist George Kaiser has invested heavily in Educare, a year-round early learning program, and wraparound services, such as prison-diversion and family-based programs, with the belief that early child development can break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and address the opportunity gap before it widens. The Christian Science Monitor is following three mothers with children enrolled in Educare to show how the experiment in philanthropy is playing out on the ground.

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  • Reentering Society: How One New Athens Initiative Aims to Help

    After teaching an Inside Out class with half college students and half incarcerated students, an assistant professor from the University of Georgia addressed a gap in services to help incarcerated folks reenter into the community once released. The Athens Reentry Collaborative now meets weekly to help former inmates find career, personal, and community support.

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  • Helping Women Exit Incarceration Successfully

    Crossroads for Women, a New Mexico nonprofit, is helping formerly incarcerated women find community, support, and recovery. Using trauma-informed care practices, the program offers a comprehensive list of services like housing, mental health treatment, employment counseling, and substance abuse treatment. Underlying all services is the understanding that no individual is trauma free and that community and relationships are crucial to sustainable recovery.

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  • How a Colorado family launched a Christmas toy hack-a-thon for children with disabilities that has gone global

    What began as an individual project for a family adapting toys for their children with disabilities to use and communicate with has turned into a global non-profit operation. With a dedicated volunteer base and a frugal idea to make toys more accessible, those with disabilities across the world have been able to receive toys that are both fun and accessible.

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