Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Lifelong Heroes: Meet The Vets Who Rebuild Communities After Disasters

    Team Rubicon, a non-profit organization of military veterans that provides disaster relief, has provided relief after flooding in Detroit, tornadoes in Oklahoma, a typhoon in the Philippines and an earthquake in Nepal, among dozens of other communities across the globe.

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  • For Students With a Mission, a Little Capital Goes a Long Way

    At a time when university students lack opportunities and financial help to test their innovative business ideas, the Resolution Project supports higher education students who have ideas for socially responsible businesses and charities. Resolution offers small awards to start businesses as well as mentor opportunities that enable networking and business collaboration with experts.

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  • How Soldier On hired 92 formerly homeless veterans

    Solider On is an organization that serves homeless veterans in 18 counties across central New York. Of their 180 employees, 92 used to be homeless themselves and another 15 are veterans. They travel everywhere to find people who need help and then work with them to get anything they need, such as housing or employment. Some participants testify to how much the program has changed their lives.

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  • Sharing Art Helps Medical Students Connect With Dementia Patients

    Many medical students are intimidated by the challenge of having to gather accurate histories and establish connections with patients with dementia. A non-profit, Arts and Minds, is helping students get more comfortable by connecting them with patients outside of the clinic through museum visits.

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  • An Artificial Limb Can Bring Hope — But Who's Going To Make It?

    Prosthetics can change lives, but in some countries there aren't enough people trained to make the needed limbs, braces and splints. To address the shortage in Bangladesh, the Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed is partnering with Red Cross and international donors to offer free training for local clinicians, and free treatment for patients.

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  • Those Who Can, Teach

    A California-based nonprofit is working to solve the state's teacher shortage by bringing private-sector professionals who have worked in science, technology, engineering, and math fields into public school classrooms. The rigorous application process, which is followed by professional development and training, has had no shortage of interested applicants.

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  • Sarasota: A glimpse into American poverty's future

    In Sarasota, Florida, residents invested in change contend that for the poor to move beyond survival mode and break a multi-generational cycle, they need a wraparound strategy, rather than one-off or isolated services. The community is slowly growing programs like the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, which helps to fund and support comprehensive programs that build sustainable change. This article explores solutions being pursued by the county from job training for adults to after school support for students.

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  • Poverty solutions that actually work

    Researchers from Yale and MIT conducted a poverty study across various countries and found that aid can relieve poverty if it is comprehensive and gives people a productive asset.

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  • Pozor, uprchlíci

    Česko odmítá uprchlické kvóty. Místní politici říkají, že společnost není na příchod a integraci utečenců připravená. Budují v lidech strach z toho, že migrace rozvátí zemi. Zcela odlišný obraz uprchlické krize nabízí sousední Bavorsko. Tato spolková země integrovala tisíce uprchlíků, kterým pomohla naučit se německy, najít si bydlení i najít a udržet si zaměstnání. Využívají k tomu dobrovolníky, kteří téměř po celém Bavorsku organizují vzdělávací a volnočasové aktivity.

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  • Watch Out for Refugees

    Bavaria has integrated thousands of refugees into the public sphere by helping them learn German, find housing, and maintain employment through apprenticeship programs and other volunteer-run organizations in the community. Now, with Bavaria as an unlikely example, the Czech Republic looks to these program models in the wake of its own refugee crisis.

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