Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can preschool help fight crime?

    Early education translates into higher graduation rates and lower probability for criminal behavior later in life, yet less than 30 percent of children in the United States go to preschool. Oklahoma leads the nation in universal early childhood education by ensuring all children, regardless of income, can attend preschool. All four year olds are entitled to services, and 74 percent participate.

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  • Farmers markets reaching more consumers who get nutritional benefits

    Through creative financing and new technology, a non-profit in San Francisco is making farmers markets more accessible to residents who rely on federal nutrition benefits.

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  • Helping Poor Defendants Post Bail in Backlogged Bronx

    What happens when people can’t afford to pay bail? They plead guilty. That’s what happened in the Bronx Court System, which has “one of the most backlogged big-city courts in the nation.” One nonprofit, Bronx Defenders, wants to help, by paying their bail.

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  • In the Long War on Poverty, Small Victories That Matter

    A panoply of responses to poverty has emerged to address poverty in the United States and abroad. The responses share in three key tactics: Measuring impact, paying for success, and collaboration.

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  • Camcorders For Justice

    In India, videos made about the many social problems are secretly broadcasted in different villages to make people aware of the real problem and also aware of what they can do to fix it. Video Volunteers, an organization that coordinates these video productions, catalyzes community change through transparency and accountability.

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  • Bill Gates Can't Build a Toilet

    Ecological toilets that use natural composting to break down waste are simple to construct, waterless and are easy to fix. But as philanthropists are finding, getting these to those that need it most is harder than anticipated.

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  • The Real Future of Clean Water

    Water:Charity assumed that money and celebrity exposure would be able to solve the world’s access-to-clean-water crisis. But this approach often led to more abandoned water pumps. Charities – and journalists who cover them – are now working to concentrate on making their solutions sustainable.

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  • In Lieu of Money, Toyota Donates Efficiency to New York Charity

    Instead of following the traditional corporate model of financial philanthropy, Toyota gave its engineers to the Food Bank for New York City: trained in "kaizen" (Japanese for “continuous improvement). The engineers analyzed and improved the Food Bank's distribution systems, greatly increasing the Bank's efficiency and effectiveness in its anti-hunger efforts. By sharing the business model which made its own business thrive, Toyota's partnership with the city demonstrates how public-private collaboration provides a self-reliant, sustainable solution.

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  • When entrepreneurship is only way forward

    Development work is evolving beyond short-term mission trips and one-off donations into a more comprehensive, in-depth model that addresses long-term sustainability of a solution paired with empowerment of those being served. MicroConsignment is a unique branch of micro-enterprise being implemented by non-profit SolCom in Guatemala that provides individuals in rural villages the skills and resources needed to start sustainable businesses.

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  • Defying the odds: Bangladesh makes strides in child health

    Bangladesh’s child and maternal health statistics are improving thanks to a combination of factors including more skilled birth attendants, better awareness of hygiene and nutrition, high vaccination rates, and expanding access to contraceptives and family planning. Even the rapid rise in telephone access plays a role, allowing families to call for help in emergencies.

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