Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • My Perfect Country: Cuba

    Following a devastating hurricane in the early 1960s, Cuba created a model disaster preparedness infrastructure that includes excellent forecasting, education in schools and promoting a culture of nationwide training where everyone has a role to play. The country also focuses on caring for the most vulnerable in disasters and there have been far fewer deaths in many storms compared to other countries. But the size of Hurricane Irma has challenged Cuba's ability to deal with larger, faster storms.

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  • Newark DIG: Doing Infrastructure Green

    Due in part to an outdated infrastructure, Newark's storm sewers get overwhelmed with litter, oil and other materials that end up impacting the cleanliness of the community's drinking water. To combat this issue, a group of passionate community members formed Doing Infrastructure Green (DIG) to help bring education to residents about sustainable solutions around the water supply.

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  • Science, Interrupted

    Thousands of researchers across the world have been displaced by war. They struggle to resume their work as refugees in a foreign country. Yet, numerous organizations are trying to help at risk scholars by offering fellowships to help them continue their work.

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  • Scientists in Mexico Scramble to Deploy Seismic Sensors

    Scientists in Mexico are deploying instruments to create a network using GPS, pressure and seismic data, to track the movement of tectonic plates with the goal of creating models of earthquakes and tsunamis that would help mitigate loss of life in the next disaster. The decision to focus on the Guerrero Gap was prompted by the 2011 quake and resulting tsunami that devastated parts of Japan. That came from an event similar to what happens in the Gap, prompting a Japanese scientistic group to invest in the research in Mexico.

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  • As oceans acidify, shellfish farmers respond

    The oceans are acidifying at an alarming rate due to human-influenced climate change, and the effects are proving detrimental to our food chain and the marine ecosystem - especially shellfish, which are literally crumbling due to the increased levels of carbon dioxide. But shellfish farmers, governments, and scientists are striving to respond with a variety of solutions that vary from the short-term, such as altering methods for growing shellfish for improved harvest, to the bigger picture, seeking ways to decrease CO2 emissions on a global scale.

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  • ‘Fingerprinting' the Ocean to Predict Devastating Sea Level Rise

    As temperatures continue to steadily and consistently rise because of climate change, the warming ocean has become an increasing threat to the livelihoods of those living near any shore. From Hurricane-force winds to rising sea levels that threaten floods, the potential for future storm surges is only becoming more apparent. In an effort to mitigate and potentially minimize loss, scientists from around the world are "fingerprinting" sea level rise by the use of satellites in an attempt to predict which coastal areas are most at risk from these impending storms.

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  • As Big Marine Reserves Proliferate, a New Focus on Enforcement

    Scientists and conservationists have been pushing for more marine protected areas, regions that restrict human activity to protect marine life. But, they're quickly realizing it’s not about the quantity of mpa’s, but the quality.

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  • Network Effect: The Robots, Sensors and Satellites Digitizing the Ocean

    Despite advancements in technology in most sectors of life leading to an increase to access of information about practically anything, little is still known about the ocean and its behavioral patterns. Liquid Robotics – a Silicon Valley-based company – is trying to change that. Engineers here have created the "Wave Glider," which essentially acts as a router within the ocean powered by wave energy and solar panels. This invention can transmit data on tectonic activity that has the potential to predict tsunamis.

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  • Achoo! Snot-Collecting Drones Are Revolutionizing Whale Research

    Traditionally, whales have been studied through research vessels, which are hard to maneuver, and costly to make. However, drones with the ability to capture a whale’s snot, are providing a much easier, and cheaper alternative to whale research.

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  • Tweet Streams: How Social Media Can Help Keep Tabs on Ocean Health

    In an effort to collect data about the environmental health of high traffic destinations, researchers are examining the text and images of geotagged social media posts. Tweets about the Great Barrier Reef were analyzed for relevant information about specifically where people visited, common activities, and common complaints. While people passively provided data by geotagging posts, researchers are also proposing creating hashtags that allow for people to actively communicate data to researchers through social media posts.

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