Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • pH7

    After the legacy of acid mine drainage from abandoned coal mines in Appalachian Ohio, there are several initiatives working to clean up the rivers and streams. Change-agents from universities, local organizations, and the government joined together in the 1990s to use both active and passive methods of neutralizing the pH level of the streams. Since then, they've brought the pH acidity down from 4.5 to 7 and grown the number of fish species from 4 to 37, and efforts are still ongoing and optimistic.

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  • Technology in the tides

    A new submersible machine produced by the Mote Marine Laboratory in Florida allows scientists to more effectively spot phytoplankton blooms which can cause red tide. This harmful algal bloom event can wreak havoc on ecosystems and the Programmable Hyperspectral Seawater Scanner is an improvement on an older model. While the maintenance cost can be high, scientists hope the instrument will be able to detect harmful algal blooms early in order to prevent outbreaks.

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  • Can Scientists, Entrepreneurs, And The Private Sector Come Together To Save Sharks?

    The research group, Beneath the Waves, is cultivating cross-sector collaborations with nonprofits, scientists, and individual philanthropists in order to better study the movements and patterns of sharks in the Bahamas. What has typically been a challenging task has been made possible through the use of acoustic tags, which can provide researchers insight into ocean ecosystems and thus conservation. Such initiatives are part of a larger trend of bringing together private donors, nonprofits, and ocean scientists to bolster marine science and conservation efforts.

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  • Could Hawaii Be Paradise For Hydrogen-Powered Public Transit?

    Funded by federal grant money, the state, and the Office of Naval Research, Hawaii County public transit has developed its first hydrogen-powered shuttle bus. What’s been called the “fuel of the future,” hydrogen fuel cells create a power source that’s only emissions are clean water vapor. While a seemingly viable and scalable clean-energy source, such development and infrastructure requires large financial investments that many states have yet to prioritize.

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  • Scientists use mini-satellites in effort to save the world's coral reefs

    As coral reefs around the world are threatened by warming waters, mini-satellites are collecting images each day from space that put together a more comprehensive picture of the problems. This saves scientists time, energy, and money, and it means resources can be better targeted to the reefs that need the most help.

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  • Going Dark to Reconnect to the Night Sky

    Light pollution threatens access to nature and its views of the stars, but it also negatively impacts health by disrupting sleep and human circadian rhythm. The International Dark-Sky Association has been working for years “to protect naturally dark sky,” educate others, and increase engagement with the stars.

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  • Tribes Use Western and Indigenous Science to Prepare for Climate Change

    The University of Washington and Northwestern tribes have partnered to use their collective knowledge to create an online tool that helps regional tribes prepare for the effects of climate change. The tools uses climate forecasting that depicts how different resources in the region will be affected at a hyper-local level. The tool itself is a result of Western science, but researchers say the inputted data and information would not have been possible without the nuanced Indigenous knowledge.

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  • Citizen Science Comes of Age

    As climate change accelerates, there is a growing need for scientific data to track and respond to the changes in our environment. Unburdened by the stress of academia or funding, volunteer citizen scientists are stepping in to fill the gaps. A citizen science group in Australia called Reef Life Survey says that trained volunteers help set a baseline of information on things such as water temperature that can be referred back to later. They also have many eyes gathering data over a long period of time, allowing more minute data to be recorded as well as getting data from the edges of studied territories.

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  • In the Solomon Islands, making amends in the name of conservation

    In the Solomon Islands, visiting scientists and researchers have made historical and symbolic amends with the Kwaio people. The tribe, once violently attacked by colonial settlers, have felt the need for reconciliation for decades and as the scientists continued to connect with them, decided that a formal ritual of reconciliation was needed. Together, the two groups participated in the ritual, allowing the Kraio people to move forward and the researchers to continue their work.

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  • New Mexicans Use Rain Gauges to Help Scientists Map Precipitation Levels

    When it comes to meteorology, citizen science can be a powerful resource. In New Mexico and neighboring states, volunteers are collecting data that helps researchers and state agencies map rainfall patterns. Through CoCoRaHS, an online network, that information is reaching diverse stakeholders, from farmers to insurers.

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