Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Teaching citizens how to shoot better video when they witness brutality

    With human injustices affecting people on the streets around the world, camera phones have become important tools to document crimes. However, the video may not adequately capture the crime to be persuasive in court. The global organization WITNESS has formed as Video As Evidence Program to instruct citizens how to best document crimes with their cameras so that the evidence will stand in court.

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  • How one of America's most dangerous cities reduced gun violence

    Richmond, California ranked among the highest homicide rates in the country. The city created the Office of Neighborhood Safety to engage the community in the effort to curb gun violence and prevent homicides. ONS works directly with the young people who are at risk and have succeeded in reducing the homicide rate.

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  • Police and the mentally ill: LAPD praised as a model for nation

    LAPD's special team, the Mental Evaluation Unit, is teaming up police officers with mental health clinicians to better approach and address individuals suffering from a mental health crisis. Rather than sending them to jail - where resources are limited and a vicious cycle often results - the teams help ensure patients get the medical care they need, preventing brushes with the law and county millions of dollars and freed up thousands of hours of patrol time. Their model is being replicated nation-wide.

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  • Behind LA's dramatic decline in gang violence

    In the past, Los Angeles was a dangerous city fraught with gang wars. Lately, though, LA has become a safer city due to six changes enforced by the police cracking down on public violence and gangs.

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  • How police can get it right

    Atlanta Police Chief George Turner is building a diversified department that's less reactive and more humane. It could offer lessons after Ferguson.

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  • What police departments can learn about race relations from the LAPD

    Los Angeles used to be a hotbed of racial profiling and unrest. Now, in the wake of Ferguson and the police killings in Brooklyn, Chief Charlie Beck thinks his force could be a model for the rest of the nation. The dept. has worked hard in recent years to create a police department that reflects the city it serves and has made fundamental progress on key civil rights issues.

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  • How Conservative, Tough-On-Crime Utah Reined In Police Militarization

    The militarization of police forces in cases such as Ferguson, Missouri’s riots has led the state of Utah to question what can be done to prevent such an overuse of force from happening. Utah expanded upon a law passed by Democratic legislature in Maryland, which Utah’s ACLU reworked with some libertarians, to require the police to provide data about SWAT team usage. Utah’s success demonstrates that demilitarization bills passed with bipartisan support are not impossible.

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  • Camden Turns Around With New Police Force

    Since moving to a county-run police department, Camden, N.J., historically one of the nation’s poorest and most dangerous cities, has altered its culture to overcome years of mistrust by developing a personal relationship with and empowering the local community.

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  • Mental Health Cops Help Reweave Social Safety Net In San Antonio

    Across the country, jails hold 10 times as many people with serious mental illness as state hospitals do, according to a recent report from the Treatment Advocacy Center. To deal with the problem, San Antonio and Bexar County have transformed their mental health system into a program considered a model for the rest of the nation - the effort has focused on an idea called "smart justice" — basically, diverting people with serious mental illness out of jail and into treatment instead.

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  • How Cincinnati Revitalized Police-Community Relations

    After a policeman shot and killed a teenage African American, a community in Cincinnati blamed law enforcement for racial profiling and riots expanded throughout the city. With the help of the Department of Justice as a mediator, Cincinnati made policy changes. The city now has an African American Police Association that brings police officers in communication with representatives of communities.

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