Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How an Unknown Reformer Rescued One of America's Most Troubled School Districts

    In his five years as superintendent of Camden public schools, Paymon Rouhanifard shepherded in a new era of increasing graduation and decreasing suspension rates. Rouhanifard "avoided the extremes of zigzagging educational trends" and combined his background as both a politician and an educator to offer up a long term path to improvement, one that took into consideration the fate of public and charter schools alike. As Rouhanifard moves on, he leaves a unique legacy, one he hopes will prove resistant to the whims of short-term education reform trends.

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  • Jordan's young protesters say they learned from Arab Spring mistakes

    Protesters opposing a proposed income tax hike in Jordan stayed away from polarizing language and avoided proposing structural changes to the political system, a shift away from rhetoric used during the Arab Spring. “This is a Jordanian movement for the core causes that affect all Jordanians: taxes, unemployment, and corruption,” said Mohammed Hussein, a 26-year-old protester. “We do not want a group to hijack this movement for their own agendas.”

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  • Can Chinese Americans solve differences over dinner?

    Chinese Americans in San Francisco came together to discuss their wide-ranging political viewpoints. The “Make America Dinner Again” event encouraged four Republicans and four Democrats to listen and connect with each other, even while openly disagreeing about topics such as immigration policy and affirmative action. Food played a key role.

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  • For Some Democrats, Facebook Likes Are a Path to Hard-to-Find Supporters

    Finding campaign supporters can get creative in the age of social media. Arizona democrat Hiral Tipirneni solicited donations from Facebook users who liked the pages of liberal icons Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand, as well as organizations that support liberal causes such as Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List. Tipirneni lost the special election she ran in, but she did better than Democrats have previously in her area.

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  • The Flaw in America's 'Holy Grail' Against Gerrymandering

    A statistic called the efficiency gap seems like a simple way to measure partisan gerrymandering. It’s easy to calculate and relies on actual election results, not hypothetical results, something called for back in 2004 and 2006 when alleged cases of gerrymandering were found by the U.S. Supreme Court to be too speculative to be ruled unconstitutional. However, the efficiency gap fails to account for key factors such as political geography, making it less of a silver bullet than originally hoped.

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  • Putting the Voters in Charge of Fair Voting

    Politicians across the country draw voting maps to favor their own political parties. In Michigan, a state with extreme congressional gerrymandering, voters are saying enough is enough. A nonpartisan group called Voters Not Politicians has collected 425,000 signatures in support of a ballot measure to create an independent commission to determine voting districts. The all-volunteer force gathered proposals at town hall meetings and spoke with voters at parades, football games, and even highway rest stops.

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  • Ohio Is At the Center of a National Debate Over Drawing Political Lines

    Gerrymandered Congressional districts, drawn using evermore individualized voter data, are set up to tip elections across the United States. Lawmakers and voting advocates are pushing back and creating new methods of making the maps. From independent commissions to constitutional amendments, here’s what’s happening in California, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Oregon, South Dakota and Utah.

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  • Black Alabamians discuss their decisive role in Doug Jones' victory

    In Alabama, grassroots organizing targeting black voters resulted in a huge voter turnout. “98 percent of black women voted for Jones (Tyson’s initial estimate was conservative) along with 93 percent of black men.” “Just calling, knocking on doors, talking to people face-to-face, letting them know why this campaign matters, I think that’s the reason we won.”

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  • Armed, Anti-Racist ‘Rednecks' Take On White Supremacy

    Millions of Americans, particularly the working class, LGBQT, minorities, and immigrants, feel left behind by the system, and in light of the revival of violence from white supremacists and the tumultuous debate on gun control, many feel that the only solution is to take the defense of their rights and needs into their own hands. The Redneck Revolt is an anti-racist, pro-gun organization that works to represent the working class - across race, sexual identity, and creed - and to protect their communities and interests from white supremacists and economic disparity alike.

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  • Can America Depolarize?

    A Better Angels workshop helped eight liberals and eight conservatives talk with each other about divisive issues, such as immigration and LGBTQ rights. At a time when political partisanship is at record highs in the United States, the workshop left some feeling hopeful. Participants reflected on stereotypes and asked each other questions through a structured discussion format.

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