Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pilot program to help young women run for political office

    After calling roll at an all-male city council meeting in Bloomington, Indiana, city clerk Regina Moore recruited a group of women to run for office with the Democratic Women's Caucus in 1999. In 2017, she worked with a national organization called Rise to Run to start the recruitment pipeline younger by targeting high school and college-aged women to be more politically engaged.

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  • Cracking Washington's Gridlock to Save the Planet

    Climate change is a growing issue, but the Citizens' Climate Lobby (a group of volunteers who work to get Republicans and Democrats to work in unison) is aiming to curb carbon emissions. So far the group has had a large increase in number of volunteers and politicians joining and willing to work together.

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  • Can this group of former offenders swing the Philly DA race?

    How does an organization go about reducing incarceration rates, and eliminate racial bias? Hiring the people affected by the prison system: former inmates. That’s the strategy that ACLU is taking in Philadelphia.

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  • The Republicans who care about climate change: 'They are done with the denial'

    The Climate Solutions Caucus is made up of half Democrats and half Republicans, by design. Drawing strength from a growing wave of Republican support for climate action, the bipartisan congressional group is an attempt to depoliticize environmental policymaking in the United States.

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  • How trade unions pulled the brakes on Uber's bid to enter Tokyo

    Japan’s taxi unions don’t work together normally, but they are finding common cause as ride-sharing platforms such as Uber threaten to pull down wages for all drivers. In 2016, the unions banded together and organized a rally and public campaign, successfully pushing the government to oppose ride-sharing and maintain existing taxi regulations, at least in Japan’s major cities.

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  • The campaign behind the release of the "Mandela of Latin America"

    Oscar López Rivera was a political prisoner for 35 years, 12 of which were in solitary confinement, for his political activism wanting Puerto Rico to be independent of the USA.An international campaign successfully lobbied Obama to commute the sentence, a campaign which included the support of Desmond Tutu, Oscar's brother- Jose, the Puerto Rican community etc.

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  • From Protests Past, Lessons in What Works

    As protests begin to develop nationwide in opposition to a Trump presidency, Tina Rosenberg provides key reminders on good protesting. By highlighting lessons such as diversifying tactics, generating an inclusive brand, and having a concrete plan, the author provides an informative guide of effective organizing strategies.

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  • Gerrymander reform opens up Florida politics

    For the third election in a row, House Republicans got bonus seats in 2016, through gerrymandering. Thanks to a grassroots citizen movement and computer sleuthing, Florida admitted to breaking the law and has replaced state maps with more competitive, voter-friendly districts.

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  • How reformers beat the Koch brothers in South Dakota

    Ninety percent of Americans believe that the political system is broken and nothing can be done. Yet in 2016, South Dakota a state with low probability for political reform became the first state in a decade to adopt public funding of future political campaigns all thanks to a grass-roots citizens movement.

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  • What Caused the Populist Earthquake of 2016

    In 2016, the US had a historically large populist backlash against the political establishment. This inspired Hedric Smith to highlight where and how political reform in the US has succeeded or failed in an Orcas Current Lecture Series.

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