Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Canada moves ahead on carbon taxes, leaving the U.S. behind

    The United States has refused to institute a carbon tax, but Canada has agreed to a carbon tax in all provinces by 2018. The carbon tax has received support across party lines, however, some elections remain to see if the carbon tax favoring candidates are elected.

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  • Beirut Madinati has set its sights on Lebanon national politics

    Arab governments have expended a lot of energy keeping politics of any stripe out of the public sphere. With a few hundred volunteers and hardly any money, an upstart campaign called Beirut Madinati — “Beirut Is My City” — is challenging the status quo, displaying the kind of savvy civic politics promised by the Arab Spring.

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  • Gun Control Is An Uphill Battle, But Here's One Of The Rare Success Stories

    Women are especially vulnerable to gun violence from domestic partners. New state and federal laws are being proposed and passed which require abusers to give up their firearm after a temporary restraining order is filed, others are trying to prevent anyone with an abusive history from being able to obtain a gun.

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  • Is there a movement to depolarize America?

    As views become more polarized, people increasingly sort themselves into tribes based on political ideology. In a effort to diminish this polarization, a small group of activists and academics is searching for ways to stem the partisan tide.

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  • When Kids Are Accused of Sex Crimes

    Juveniles who were placed on sex offender registries, some for crimes they committed before they were even teens, face a slew of life changing consequences that follows them for the rest of their life: “depression, addiction, suicidal thoughts, and other signs of post-traumatic stress.” Many will struggle to find a job, others will get targeted and harassed, some, overwhelmed by the pressure, have ended their life. Parents, legal scholars, and activists are pushing back against the notion that children, under the law, should be tried as mini adults.

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  • Do not give up! Why Peace is Still Possible Between Turks and Kurds

    In Turkey there has been a long lasting dispute between the Tukish government and the Kurds that are often violent. AKP the leading political party has won elections in 2015 and may open the gate for transparent and democratic negotiations where the different ethnicities are recognized by the constitution. This is a solution because both the government and the PKK are conducting violent acts against each other.

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  • Can Storytelling Help Destroy the Stigma Associated With Abortion?

    Abortion is a highly stigmatized topic that can lead individuals to selectively disclose who they tell about the experience. Storytelling is now being viewed as a way to help de-stigmatize abortion based on contact theory and empathy as a means of bringing people together.

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  • Experiments show this is the best way to win campaigns. But is anyone actually doing it?

    Research shows that having in-person interactions with voters is by far the best way to increase turnout. It’s not simply knocking on doors. It’s about having genuine conversations. But political campaigns typically spend almost all their money on TV ads instead.

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  • Lobbying for the Greater Good

    Big money has big lobbyists - but small lobbyists can also bring about big changes. Groups like Results and the Citizens Climate Lobby train ordinary people to approach and make arguments to politicians and journalists.

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  • The Taint of the Greased Palm

    Corruption in Mexico is ingrained in all systems and interactions. President Vicente Fox and his administration are trying to change this. Their mentality is that for corruption to truly be fought the government needs to actively make change and implement rules to counteract it, and some of Fox's changes are now beginning to see improvements.

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