Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Philly Sets New Gold Standard for Domestic Worker Protections

    Giving domestic workers a seat at the table elevates their voices and provides them with access to protections enshrined in labor laws. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the passage of the Philadelphia Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights extends worker protections to those previously left out of traditional labor laws. The new law, passed with the combined effort of the Pennsylvania Domestic Worker Alliance (PDWA), Philadelphia’s City Council, and the support of Philadelphia AFL-CIO, grants domestic workers access to employer-funded benefits and paid time off.

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  • An Athenian remedy: the rise, fall and possible rebirth of democracy

    Citizens’ assemblies, which allow for mass participation in political debates and decision-making with a lottery system to select speakers, are increasingly being used to overcome issues such as corruption and the unwillingness by incumbent politicians to address controversial issues. Many countries now use citizens’ assemblies, including Ireland who used one in 2017 to push forward a debate and decision on its abortion ban after decades of political deadlock. Citizens’ assemblies do face challenges, including being dismantled by ruling politicians who feel they challenge incumbent power.

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  • City Campaign Finance System Charts Path—and Highlights Challenges—for State Reform

    New York City's campaign finance system has offered a blueprint for a similar statewide system. Since it was implemented, the city's campaign finance program, which awards public funds up to a certain limit to candidates, has helped grassroots candidates launch competitive campaigns against entrenched, deep-pocketed opponents.

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  • Can Democrats and Republicans Understand Each Other? It Starts With Getting Off Twitter

    Living Room Conversations facilitates civil discourse among people with different political views. The nonprofit encourages in-person meetings of groups of four to seven people with different backgrounds and views, ideally in a comfortable setting like a living room, coffee shop, or park, and provides over 100 guides on their open-source website to help participants engage in thoughtful dialogue. Rather than attempting to problem solve actual issues, the goal of the conversations is to humanize one another. Participants find the skills they learn useful in their personal relationships as well.

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  • These voters are using democracy vouchers to influence Seattle's City Council races

    In Seattle, taxpayers are funding a program called democracy vouchers, in which registered voters and other eligible residents receive $25 vouchers that they can contribute toward city council races. In this program unique to Seattle, each donor can contribute up to four vouchers, which are helping to diversify the field for grassroots candidates.

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  • Can the political divide be mended by bringing rural and urban students together?

    The University of Chicago and Eureka College are teaming up to bring together college students from urban and rural Illinois to discuss political differences. As part of Bridging the Divide, community leaders from both settings have led tours of homeless shelters, job training sites, and immigration centers.

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  • This group wants to unite hikers and hunters on literal common ground: public lands

    A group called Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, now 36,000 strong, is bringing together people from different political and ideological backgrounds over a common interest in the preservation and conservation of public lands and waters. Bucking stereotypes, the group spans the political spectrum, with 33% Independent, 23% Republican, 20% Democrat and 16% unaffiliated in a recent survey. The BHA's recent promotion of the Land and Water Conservation Fund shows that bipartisanship is possible.

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  • Change the narrative: how a Swiss group is beating rightwing populists

    A group called Operation Libero in Switzerland has successfully rallied against rising right-wing populist groups by using different approaches like small-scale crowdfunding, eye-catching tongue-in-cheek campaigns, and viral social media videos. During one campaign, young Operation Libero volunteers handed out branded condoms to nightclubbers.

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  • How a Bipartisan Caucus Aimed to Change U.S. House Rules

    Shortly following the 2018 Midterm elections in the U.S. House of Representatives, a group of legislators known as the Problem Solvers Caucus used their numbers to change House rules easing the passage of bipartisan legislation. After working to build consensus on issues like health care, infrastructure, gun control, and immigration since 2013, the congressional membership organization noticed that their bipartisan bills often did not receive a fair chance due to the significant power that Speaker and committee chairs held in deciding which bills advanced. Their "Break the Gridlock" reforms changed that.

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  • Drawing better lines so that Native votes count

    Including Native Americans in the political process requires sustained efforts in redistricting by communities. The success of the 2018 mid-term election in bringing the first Native American women into Congress was made possible by the creation of legislative districts that gave Native American communities a voice. A comparison of the US states of Montana and North Dakota illustrates the importance of long-term collaboration, legal action, and community organization in redistricting efforts.

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