Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A village to nourish a child: FHI360 community structures provide nutrition for children in Borno

    FHI360 is an initiative, supported by grassroots and international partnerships, providing healthcare to Internally Displaced Peoples in four locations. The nourishment of pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as their children, is a main focus. The group disseminates information and provides nutrition counseling in both one-on-one and community support group settings. They also offer vitamins and micronutrient supplements to women and children and create safe breastfeeding spaces and safe spaces for women who have been victims of gender-based violence.

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  • Balancing climate, culture, and community: Fiji's relocation challenge

    After a river in Fiji continued to flood, an entire village relocated uphill 2 kilometers away. About two-thirds of the residents participated in this voluntary relocation, which proved effective when a strong cyclone hit the island. Government policies are making it easier for villages to relocate due to climate change; in fact, four have done so already. Balancing the people’s cultural connection to the land and the need to move can be tricky, but as people continue to be displaced, their responses could help inform other coastal communities around the world.

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  • Flood City: Louisiana prepares to move neighborhood after 50 years of floods

    Pecan Acres in Louisiana is known as Flood City since many residents can’t remember a time when their homes weren’t impacted by rising waters. To help these people, the state has started a relocation project to move the neighborhood to higher ground. The new neighborhood, called Audubon Estates, already has 17 households signed up to move in. The government is buying the residents out of their old homes, which has proved a more difficult process than originally thought. Yet, some are ready for the change.

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  • How to Rebuild a War-torn Middle Eastern City? Start with the Souk

    A combination of agencies, charities, and business owners have been working toward the goal of rebuilding Syrian cities by focusing on souks, or markets, dating back centuries. Bringing the souks back to life was a relatively easy reconstruction project, free of legal complications, and vital to the communities' return to normalcy. Sticklers for historical accuracy argue that the original medieval architecture of the souks is impossible to recreate, therefore rendering it "totally fake," but those who are more concerned with repatriating refugees and rebuilding war-town Syria disagree.

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  • Beside a Vast Graveyard, a New City Rises in Haiti

    A survivor of Haiti's earthquake sought out a new home on an unclaimed plot of land which is home to one of the country's largest cemeteries. Madame Roy built a neighborhood from the ground up with the help of architects and funding from people who wanted to be residents of the future city. Roads, homes, a cistern, a soccer field, and a school were all built without the help of the Haitian government. 200,000 residents who lost everything in the earthquake have found a chance to start over in the new city of Canaan.

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  • Rwanda invests in model villages to tackle poverty

    Rwanda is taking a controversial approach to tackling poverty within its borders—literally moving people from rural areas into model villages. On one hand, it alleviates the first markers of poverty: having a roof over one's head, access to infrastructure, running water, etc. But on the other hand, the people moved do not have a choice in the matter and now have to figure out how to build a life in a new community. Some villages have turned out to be more successful than others.

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  • This Is What the U.S. Could Look Like When Our Coasts Are Under Water

    Over the last several decades, climate disasters have resulted in many communities relying on managed retreats. These "proactive, intentional shift(s) of civilization away from an environmental threat" are increasingly being seen as the best solution for many in harms way, but the focus is now shifting towards ways to make these retreats more efficient in the longterm.

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  • Life After Conflict: Healing the Environmental Wounds of War

    With the aftermath of conflict often focused on humanitarian crisis, international and local actors are also working to restore damage done to ecosystems. From Rohingya refugees volunteering to make sure endangered elephants can reach their grazing lands – and not destroy the refugee camps – to Lebonese seed banks being recreated to restore biodiversity, the international stage is paying closer attention to the environmental tolls of conflict.

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  • This City Is Being Relocated So It Doesn't Get Swallowed By A Mine

    Due to mining tunnels running under the length of the city of Kiruna in Sweden, the city is relocating in order to keep the community safe. Although the project is a slow and tedious process, “intensive consultation" sessions have been held with community members to ensure their voices get heard and cultural perspectives are implemented in the rebuild. This approach has provided a blueprint for other cities needing to consider a similar move.

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  • Houston Looks for a Smarter, More Equitable Path to Hurricane Recovery

    The city of Houston is changing its approach to measuring the full scope of damage from Hurricane Harvey so it can get help where it is most needed and improve future flood mitigation. Using data from numerous sources, Civis Analytics found unmet housing needs were far greater than initially recorded and low-income areas were hit disproportionately harder, even though recovery funding often goes to areas with higher housing values. Now city officials are working to implement solutions based on the data in order to allocate limited funds where they will be most effective.

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