Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The story of a recovery: how hurricane Maria boosted small farms

    When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, not only were the local communities devastated, but so were 80 percent of the country's crops. With the farmlands wiped cleaned, farmers seized the opportunity to start from scratch which not only resulted in increased crop production, but has helped create an economy less reliant on imports.

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  • Meet the women combing through Puerto Rico, searching for veterans in need

    One group of women roams shelters searching for Puerto Rican vets after Hurricane Maria, where there are “around 75,000 US Army veterans living.” “This is Americans helping Americans. These veterans were stationed in the US, went to war with the US. I think that’s the thing that people forget.”

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  • Science, Interrupted

    Thousands of researchers across the world have been displaced by war. They struggle to resume their work as refugees in a foreign country. Yet, numerous organizations are trying to help at risk scholars by offering fellowships to help them continue their work.

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  • ‘Neighborhood Mothers' Share Integration Wisdom with Refugees

    Germany has welcomed many refugees in recent years, and programs across the country are trying to help integrate them as quickly as possible. 'Neighbourhood Mothers' is one such program of migrant women who mentor new refugees.

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  • Land-conflict mediation in the Great Lakes region

    In the Great Lakes region of Africa, land disputes can escalate to violence. Subsistence agriculture is the dominant source of income, making land precious, and as populations increase and refugees return home, property rights are not always clear. Search for Common Ground is reducing violence by training mediators to find peaceful ways of resolving these high-stakes conflicts.

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  • 2 immigrant journeys of hope, spanning a border and a century

    Population decline is on the rise in many rural communities. Canada allows communities to sponsor refugees, allowing communities to grow their numbers through refugee resettlement. Sponsoring entails providing some or all of the initial expenses and practical support for refugee families for their first year. Some in the communities express anti-immigrant ideologies and are against these programs. However, immigration has allowed for community revitalization in several communities, including filling essential jobs.

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  • Between Opportunity and Frustration As a Refugee In Uganda

    Uganda's open policy allows refugees to start a new life – and even a new business. But not all of them thrive due to governmental restrictions and limited cash flow.

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  • 'No one leaves anymore'. How Ethiopia's restored drylands offer hope

    Environmental refugees in Ethiopia flee their country because there are no jobs without healthy land. A group of former refugees have returned to Ethiopia with a business venture in Gergera to improve the land by regreening efforts, foresting, and building water conservation systems. The new businesses demonstrated such positive effects that the region is now on the brink of resettlement due to improved environmental conditions.

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  • November in Germany

    Germany admitted around 1 million refugees in 2015. Different parts of the country have experienced success and failure. In Fischen, housing refugees is still a challenge, but business mentors have found a success in training refugees how to do jobs. The city of Stuttgart ran into a crisis housing refugees. However 3,000 volunteers are helping to control the situation. In the east, Halle housed refugees in the center part of its city, inside a “deluxe hotel.” The refugees are susceptible to hateful rhetoric, but there are demonstrators on both sides of the debate.

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  • Listopad v Německu

    Do Německa přicházejí každým dnem tisíce uprchlíků. Jen v roce 2015 jich země přijala zhruba milion. Tato situace přináší do různých oblastí Německa nové výzvy, kterým musí místní čelit. Ve městě Stuttgard zase s integrací uprchlíků, kteří nemají kde bydlet, pomáhají 3 tisíce dobrovolníků. Východoněmecké město Halle krizi s ubytováním imigrantů vyřešilo tak, že jim vyhradilo celý hotel v centru města. To vadí části místních, podle kterých jde o „příliš luxusní“ bydlení. Panuje zde často vyhrocená debata.

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