Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pozor, uprchlíci

    Česko odmítá uprchlické kvóty. Místní politici říkají, že společnost není na příchod a integraci utečenců připravená. Budují v lidech strach z toho, že migrace rozvátí zemi. Zcela odlišný obraz uprchlické krize nabízí sousední Bavorsko. Tato spolková země integrovala tisíce uprchlíků, kterým pomohla naučit se německy, najít si bydlení i najít a udržet si zaměstnání. Využívají k tomu dobrovolníky, kteří téměř po celém Bavorsku organizují vzdělávací a volnočasové aktivity.

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  • Watch Out for Refugees

    Bavaria has integrated thousands of refugees into the public sphere by helping them learn German, find housing, and maintain employment through apprenticeship programs and other volunteer-run organizations in the community. Now, with Bavaria as an unlikely example, the Czech Republic looks to these program models in the wake of its own refugee crisis.

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  • How to Build a Perfect Refugee camp

    Refugee camps typically look like a prison with squalid conditions and barbed wire tops. By contrast, the Kilis refugee camp in Turkey is orderly, secure, and clean; has schools for children; has grocery stores, and is powered with electricity. The camp is not run by the United Nations, but rather it is Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency that oversees every detail and pours billions of dollars into maintaining it every year.

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  • The women who bear the scars of Sierra Leone's civil war

    The bloody civil war that tore through Sierra Leone for over a decade was one of the most devastating and violent in Africa's modern history. Those that suffered most were usually young woman, forced into combat, displaced, repeatedly raped and beaten. It has taken years for those who lived through the conflict to reclaim a normal life. One of the most powerful tools that many women leveraged were grassroots initiatives, funded by various NGOs, that the girls designed and led themselves, funding small businesses, support groups, and community projects.

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  • For Refugees, the Price of Dignity

    American humanitarian aid and programs by the United Nations have proved beneficial to equip Middle Eastern refugees with resources for self-settlement outside of camps. The self-settlement model has empowered refugees to become more productive members of society when they return home.

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