Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Energy Democracy: People Power for a Cleaner Planet

    As the United States grapples with the already-occurring effects of climate change, there is a growing call from the energy democracy movement to make sure energy efficiency remains equitable and affordable. Initiatives like Mississippi’s One Voice or the South Bronx’s Mothers on the Move recognize that climate change hits low-income first and most and are working to address the unequal power dynamics through shared, power-powered energy initiatives.

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  • Healthier kids? Just hand their families cash.

    A study of a 1910 cash-based welfare program in the United States reveals the positive lifelong results of giving families cash to reduce poverty and prevent the long-term effects associated with it. Providing cash for families with children once resulted in a better rate of return in the form of better nutrition, higher socio-economic status and longer life expectancy. Currently, the government provides the "deserving poor" with welfare benefits such as health coverage and food aid but recipients must meet the strict requirements for eligibility.

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  • Lifting Up Community Voices to Tackle Injustice

    This article uses the stories of five different activist women across the United States as examples of successes using the human-centered design strategy of centering the people most directly affected in the decision-making and healing process. The women work in a variety of justice areas (from housing equity to incarceration), but they all testify to a community justice model as being the most effective and empowering solution to past and current injustices.

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  • Can putting the least-experienced teachers in the highest-risk schools ever result in success?

    High rates of teacher turnover plaguing McDowell County were the reason behind a new initiative, Reconnecting McDowell, to reverse the trend. The district began creating a number of incentives to attract teachers, such as student loan support, higher salaries, and providing mentors for younger teachers. Two other efforts—to improve roads and build an apartment complex for younger residents—were stalled due to funding cuts. This article was written on the sixth anniversary of Reconnecting McDowell, and while there have been many challenges, change is slowly coming and people are still optimistic.

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  • Reproductive health critical in eradicating poverty

    Family planning is crucial to fighting against poverty. However, many women cannot afford contraceptives. The United Nations Fund for Population Activities is now supporting the Zimbabwe government to provide women with affordable services supporting reproductive health.

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  • Friends of the Children

    The organization, Friends of the Children, is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty by giving at-risk children adult mentors to help guide them. The program results in kids who avoid teen pregnancy, graduate from high school, and don't end up in the criminal justice system.

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  • How Effective Is Your School District? A New Measure Shows Where Students Learn the Most

    Too often people use standardized test scores as the only measure of how good a school system is. A new measure looks at the growth and proficiency of the students as a measure of performance and may be more accurate in comparing public schools across the USA.

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  • How a Tulsa 'failure factory' turned around its graduation rate in three years

    In high-poverty urban schools student retention is a major issue, often school is the last concern for these children. Now, City Year and other nonprofits have university students come to the high schools and tutor or mentor the high school kids and provide a place for them to talk, as well as other measures that help keep students in school.

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  • This gender-sensitive data tool could revolutionise the fight against poverty

    Currently poverty is assessed on a household basis, however individuals within the same house can experience poverty differently. The Individual Deprivation Measure will be the first gender-sensitive tool that will be able to help better inform policy and understandings of poverty.

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  • A Smarter Smart City

    Philadelphia is one of the poorest cities. Its poverty is a huge concern and feeds into many of the negative aspects of the city. The city is now looking to Smart Cities technology such as smart streetlights, to provide information to various government sectors, which helps them implement new strategies to tackle this problem.

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