Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Path Home for Women Veterans

    Women veterans, who often have military sexual trauma, are less likely to sleep outside or stay in shelters for fear of their safety or of losing rights to their kids. Non-profits are attempting to meet women veterans’ needs by creating women veteran shelters and the website,, was created with a listing of state-by-state housing resources for women veterans.

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  • The Sun Water Solution

    Professor Kevin McGuigan in Dublin has proven that simply leaving contaminated water in a plastic bottle out in the sun for several hours is effective in killing off harmful bacteria like e-coli and provide a simple solution for clean water. But his efforts to bring this simple method of solar disinfection to rural communities in Africa - where disease and death from waterborne bacteria is especially prevalent - have hit a number of sociological and cultural roadblocks.

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  • Can the Graduation Approach Help to End Extreme Poverty?

    BRAC, the largest NGO in the world and one of the leaders in microfinance as an approach to combating poverty, discovered that despite its successes, microcredit did not always reach what are called the Ultra-Poor in effective, sustainable ways. So they formed partnerships and launched a new, comprehensive initiative that involves consumption support, technical and financial literacy training, and asset management to create a pathway to prosperity called the "graduation approach."

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  • Peru: Cutting Poverty

    Between 2005 and 2015, Peru cut its poverty rate in half. Though there is still more work to be done, Peru can attribute its success to several reasons. The combination of inclusive economic growth and targeted, high-impact social programs showed clear results. By giving monthly cash stipends to female heads of household and helping youth as well as the elderly, Peru has seen a sizable decrease in economic inequality.

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  • This Is How We Can Tackle Climate Change, Even With a Denier in Chief

    With little action happening to reverse or prepare for climate change at the federal level, local communities have taken initiative on their own. From voters in Flagstaff passing a $10 million bond to bolster forest management to the city of Tulsa buying over 1,000 flood-prone properties, across the United States people are taking non- or bi-partisan steps to increase their towns’ resilience. Core to each initiative is not a parachute, one-size-fits-all approach, rather, it’s taking a hyper-local approach, centering community strength, and moving disadvantaged populations to the forefront.

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  • Kids in Detroit talk about school, parents and sex

    Kids in Detroit are discouraged by their city because they feel like the violence, lack of books, lack of state test preparation, and lack of sex-ed affect their opportunities. But the same kids have ideas about ways to improve the city.

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  • Program lifts aspiring writers from poverty, infuses media with fresh voices

    Founded in 2012, the Economic Hardship Reporting Project commissions, edits, and places articles, films, photojournalism and other reportage focused on inequality. EHRP’s articles not only humanize issues of inequality, but also provides a source of income and a means for people living in poverty to tell their stories. The organization also actively collaborates with other publishers to ensure their articles are spread widely.

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  • Generational Poverty: Is There a Way Out?

    For many people experiencing poverty, the struggle to make ends meet and provide for their children is common across generations. In Philadelphia, non-profit programs are recognizing that aspect of poverty and helping to ensure that the next generation is better equipped to be economically secure - not by solely focusing on the children, but by addressing the underlying issue and focusing on parents and grandparents as well. So far, the initiatives are helping families reconnect and create a better future.

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  • Española has tried everything to stop drug overdoses

    One small town in New Mexico called Española is ahead of the nation in treating opioid-related drug overdoses. The city trains law enforcement officers and community members in treating overdoses, offers needle exchange programs to prevent the spread of diseases, and it has ensured that anti-addiction drugs are readily available.

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  • San Diego Climate Plan Means Big Potential for Jobs

    The poorest are the ones living in the most unhealthy neighbourhoods where air particles are more detrimental. The Climate Action Plan is dedicated to using cleantech while also using this as an opportunity for job creation for city's poorest as a way to help them live above the poverty line.

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