Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 180 Days

    Harsville, South Carolina is trying to better its educational program. But first it must change the standard of living in the town to provide greater examples of success for the children to follow.

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  • Catholic leaders battle against free birth control in the Philippines

    In the Philipines, contraception has been hard to find resulting in many parents without money to feed their children, unsafe abortions, and poor maternal health. A new reproductive law aims to change this by allowing contraception in clinics to help women take control of their reproductive systems.

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  • What can we learn from a town that beat poverty

    In a pilot program in a Canadian city, the working poor were given monthly cash supplements to their income. The recipients did not stop working and were able to access opportunities to make a better living long term.

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  • An Inclusive Emerging Economy, With Africa in the Lead

    In combatting poverty, a giant informal economic system has quietly emerged in Africa. Women participate in micro-finance organizations that loan money in order to allow them to create businesses and become self-managing.

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  • An L.A. Story: Unions Show Signs of Life

    The minimum wage issue has been debated endlessly, with arguments both for and against its effectiveness. An increase, tested in some states and enacted in others, immeasurably betters the quality of life for low-income families.

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  • Food truck church brings faith and calzones to those in need

    Mobile Action Ministries in St. Paul, Minnesota is bringing church to those who often don’t have access to it. Led by Reverand Margaret Kelly, the church brings those experiencing poverty and homelessness meals and worship in a food truck. The initiative operates on donations and partners with suburban congregations in the hopes of bridging socio-economic divides.

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  • ‘A National Admissions Office' for Low-Income Strivers

    Attending college is not always a given option for gifted teenagers from less-than-wealthy backgrounds. National organization QuestBridge creates a way for low-income and minority high-achieving students to go to their dream colleges free of cost.

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  • Did this city bring down its murder rate by paying people not to kill?

    Since Richmond, California’s Office of Neighborhood Safety began paying stipends to its “fellows” – the dozens of young men it works with at any given time who are deemed to be at high risk of gun-violence involvement – nearly all of its subjects have survived. Other evidence of its success is anecdotal or merely suggestive of an effect on the city’s violence. While the police chief warily credits it for being a positive force, others in the community are skeptical, if not outright antagonistic.

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  • Escaping the Cycle of Scarcity

    Poor people are less likely to make smart financial decisions; however, new research in the U.S. says this is not about intelligence but rather about a brain being overwhelmed with issues related to poverty. To combat that barrier of stress, organizations around the world are making financial decisions easier for people experiencing poverty by making borrowing easier and automating future financial planning, like 401(k) contributions.

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  • A By-the-E-Book Education, for $5 a Month

    For-profit companies are making good private schools available even to Africa’s poor. They can do it – and can do it on an enormous scale – by hiring neighborhood residents to teach, and scripting out every word of every lesson on an e-reader.

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