Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Mission to Stop Genital Cutting

    Many people who practice Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) consider it a private, cultural issue. The procedure, which is performed on girls, requires “cutting off the clitoris and parts of the labia and sealing the vagina partially shut.” Talking about it can be perceived as rude, or disrespectful. However, that’s exactly what community leaders, health workers, and NGO’s do, in order to eradicate the practice. “My advice is to be patient and analyze each situation and not to impose your thoughts on people. If you impose, people can be defensive.”

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  • In Africa, Rural Clinics Entice Pregnant Women With ‘Baby Pictures'

    Pregnant women in rural African villages tend not to seek medical services until they are in labour, but there are many services that should be performed earlier in the pregnancy in order to help ensure the survival of the mother and child. Bridge to Health Medical and Dental is a charity that brings temporary clinics to these areas and advertises their ultrasounds as an opportunity for mother's to 'see your baby' in order to entice mother's to come.

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  • First Nations Fight to Protect the Rare Spirit Bear from Hunters

    In British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest, the Kitasoo/Xai’Xais First Nations have been striving for decades to save the spirit bear, also known as Kemode bears, from trophy hunters. Since 1999, the indigenous community has started an ecotourism industry that benefits the tribe and wildlife, have worked with Canadian government to preserve 85% of the rainforest, and have most recently been advocating to ban trophy hunting across the rainforest.

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  • Inventing a Vocabulary to Help Inuit People Talk About Climate Change

    A graduate student from British Columbia, the Arctic Energy Alliance, and the elders of the Inuvialuit people may seem a strange team, but together they are tackling the dual concerns of climate change and the loss of indigenous language in Canada. By inventing new terms and words in the Inuvialuit language to describe renewable energy technologies, they are increasing awareness about sustainable development while helping preserve the culture and heritage of this unique population.

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  • Hospital Beats Federal Bureaucracy to Offer Local Traditional Foods

    The siglaug, is an Inupiaq word for ice cellar. It is also how the Inupiaq people are preserving a part of their culture. The siglaug, opened after the Farm Bill was passed, which allowed for the opening of a food processing center. Prior to that, elders staying at the local hospital ward could only eat federally approved foods like spaghetti. “Since 2015, the sigluaq has provided a facility for Harris and others to process donated meat, fish, and fowl according to government regulations so they can be served to elders in the long-term care.”

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  • Victims of Gentrification, Meet Your Patron Saint

    In a rapidly gentrifying Mexico City neighborhood, two artists refurbished an icon and set up an altar for Santa Mari La Juaricua, a saint to protect residents from eviction. The saint raises awareness and acts as a reminder about housing issues and the icon has been taken up by the residents and has been used in processions and protests.

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  • Native Youth and the Prophecy of Crazy Horse

    After generations of waiting, the Oglala Sioux prophecy of an economic, spiritual, and social renaissance is coming true. "Now the Seventh Generation is here," and they are creating dynamic change in one the least developed communities in the United States. Providing highly reduced tuition and parental efficacy at excellent schools has allowed many children to break the generational poverty chain.

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  • How Mongolia's nomads are adapting to climate change

    Mongolia’s nomadic, pastoral families are banding together to strengthen their resilience in the face of climate change. With their economic livelihoods dependent on livestock production, they feel the effects of warming temperatures more than many. By combining their resources and communally managing their pastures, they’ve been able to be less vulnerable to severe weather.

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  • Blackfeet Researcher Leads Her Tribe Back to Traditional Foods

    Generations of oppression and poverty have led to severe food insecurity for many Native Americans, resulting in some of the country's highest obesity and diabetes rates. But a few dedicated individuals on the Blackfeet reservation are striving to reclaim their food system, and their first step is collecting and disseminating traditional knowledge about nutritious, locally-sourced food for their people and ensuring it is accessible.

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  • Oklahoma City-Based International Development NGO Focuses On Women

    In many rural villages in Northern India and Nepal, long-standing cultural norms have relegated women to subordinate positions in marriage and minimal educational opportunities, stifling the social, agricultural and economic development of entire communities. But with the NGO World Neighbors' work to increase female literacy and help initiate locally-controlled savings and credit groups, these areas' female residents have become a more empowered component of local development and progressive change.

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