Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Immersive Language School Renews Generational Dreams of Cherokee Culture

    New Kituwah Academy Elementary provides immersive language education for members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, helping to keep the band’s language and culture alive. Students speak exclusively in Cherokee until third grade and then use both English and Cherokee throughout the school day to build proficiency in both languages.

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  • Oakland University becomes 1st US campus to return land use to Native American community

    After Indigenous students and faculty advocated for stolen land at Oakland University to be returned to the native community, the university made the land a heritage site, bypassing legal issues tied to development requirements and ensuring that the institution would have no say in the future of the site. The land is now home to a pawpaw orchard, a wildflower garden, and a fire pit for cooking and ceremonies.

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  • Protecting children and healing families, one Native auntie at a time

    My Two Aunties assists Indigenous families to help keep children out of foster care. The group provides parenting support and education, seeks to build relationships between families and their culture and also works to repair intergenerational trauma that can lead to creating an unsafe environment for children. In 2022, the program served 97 families and held 411 parenting classes and interest in the program is continuously growing.

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  • Justice at the Tap

    In response to the water crisis, grassroots organizers and community members are stepping up to provide aid and fill the gaps left by government authorities. Organizations like Flint Rising and DigDeep collect and donate bottled water and send volunteers door-to-door to ensure residents have access to clean drinking water. There is also the Navajo Water Project, which installs home water systems in those without access to running water or sewer lines, providing 1,200 gallons of water to homes in need, as well as jobs for members of the Navajo Nation.

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  • A journey of healing

    The Native and Strong Lifeline aims to provide culturally relevant mental health care services and support to members of the Native community. Since launching, the lifeline has received over 1,200 calls from across the state, handled by its team of tribal crisis counselors, many of whom have their owned lived experiences with mental health struggles.

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  • To Fight Deforestation, Amazon Guardians Embrace a Tech Boom

    Members of the A’i Kofán de Sinangoe Indigenous guard keep watch over the part of the Amazon rainforest their community resides in. With the help of technological tools like drones and camera traps, they are able to prevent invasions and illegal activity on their land — which often goes hand-in-hand with preventing deforestation and pollution.

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  • The Matriarchs Who Helped Seattle's Urban Native Population

    The Seattle Indian Center, originally started by the matriarchs of the American Indian Women’s Service League, provides Native people in need with resources like food, clothing, financial and employment assistance, community outreach services and a sense of community where their heritage and culture are recognized.

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  • Indigenous-led farm, Tea Creek, leads the way in food sovereignty

    Tea Creek is a holistic approach to food sovereignty and economic development that provides community, trades training and land preservation, with an emphasis on reaching indigenous people. Tea Creek also provides a Food Sovereignty Training Program that includes courses in horticulture, carpentry, first aid, and more that graduated 108 people in 2021.

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  • Funding the Earth's keepers: The need for Indigenous climate philanthropy

    The Decolonizing Wealth Project is a network of people working together to create more equitable, capital opportunities for communities of color, with an emphasis on Indigenous land keepers. Through its work with other groups, the project offers a series of grant opportunities like the Indigenous Earth Fund to provide Indigenous-led organizations with the resources needed to target climate and conservation issues.

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  • Returning Indigenous ancestors home to New Zealand/Aotearoa

    The Karanga Aotearoa program coordinates with museums and cultural institutions across the world to repatriate Moriori remains and artifacts stolen by colonizers throughout New Zealand/Aotearoa's history. The process is Indigenous-led, with significant involvement from the descendents of those being returned, and prioritizes maintaining dignity for the ancestors.

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