Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Furnishing A Future

    Furnishing a Future offers furniture making classes to former inmates. The program was created with the intention of giving former prisoners job skills, who often leave prison with no work experience. “If these guys are trained in how to make a resume, and how to make it outside, but have no skills, they’re just not going to get a job.”

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  • Can this group of former offenders swing the Philly DA race?

    How does an organization go about reducing incarceration rates, and eliminate racial bias? Hiring the people affected by the prison system: former inmates. That’s the strategy that ACLU is taking in Philadelphia.

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  • Philadelphia Treatment Court gives a 'second chance'

    In Philadelphia, people facing felony drug charges can opt for a yearlong program in a treatment court where their progress is monitored to ensure they avoid substance use, get treatment and stay in contact with their case managers. Judges presiding over the court work with those who miss those goals to help them reflect on how they can graduate, even if there are stumbles along the way. Those who successfully complete the program can work to get the felonies expunged from their records.

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  • Nueces County judge aims for reform with domestic violence court

    Judge Inna Klein and probation officers from The Community Supervision and Corrections Department are bringing domestic violence reform to Nueces County. By taking more aggressive approaches toward supervision and accountability, and by focusing on rehabilitative services for offenders, they hope to break the cycles of violence.

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  • Has a bold reform plan helped to shrink Philly's prison population?

    Philadelphia has one of the highest incarceration rates in the country, but with a $3.5 million McArthur Foundation grant the city has used several initiatives to change that. The efforts appear to be working, with the number of inmates falling by 12 percent over one year. Programs include getting addicts treatment instead of more jail time, working to release those who cannot afford bail ahead of a trial and making attorneys more available for those who want to seek early parole.

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  • Philadelphia Reentry Coalition wants to solve for the 'severe lack of data on returning citizens'

    Two, separate coalitions in Philadelphia, whose aim is to lower recidivism rates, joined into one. Aviva Tevah, the director of the coalition, will have to merge the vision and goals of the 80 plus members. “We set new targets, a new organizational structure and focused on what it would look like to build the infrastructure for deeper collaboration in the future.”

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  • Could this one simple idea stop the revolving door to prison?

    In Pennsylvania, “500 men and about 10 women juvenile lifers who have been locked away for decades” will be released due to a recent Supreme Court decision that said it was unconstitutional for judges to strike automatic life-without-parole sentence for juveniles. Unfortunately, recidivism rates show that “ 60 percent of people are locked up again within three years of being released.” However, pairing a former prisoner with a mentor is an old school solution that has been proven to be successful. Studies show “participants who had mentors were twice as likely to find jobs and 39 percent less likely to reci

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  • Consensus growing on need to move more people out of prison in Philly

    There is a growing consensus across political beliefs that there needs to be reductions in the number of people in prison because the monetary and societal cost is too great. This article explores the numerous initiatives underway in Pennsylvania and New Jersey to address reentry by helping people with record expungement, as well as housing, jobs, social skills and other stumbling blocks to staying out of incarceration. New Jersey has also focused on keeping people from going to prison.

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  • Meet the Ex-Inmate Whose Successful Prison Rehab Program Goes Beyond Drug Treatment

    Led by peers and providing everything from group therapy to tips on how to build credit, the Timelist program works with the recently paroled as well as the presently incarcerated to reduce recidivism. Seven years after it started, Timelist’s comprehensive approach has a perfect record of it’s graduates staying out of prison.

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  • A radical approach to gun crime: paying people not to kill each other

    Richmond, California’s Office of Neighborhood Safety uses controversial monthly cash stipends among the incentives it gives to young men it’s trying to steer away from street violence. While the program's first years were associated with steep drops in shootings and homicides, critics question whether ONS deserves the credit and whether it can be replicated in other cities. A deep look at how it works finds evidence that it does make a positive difference while operating in a complex arena of advances and setbacks.

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