Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Henley-Young Must Release Kids After 21 Days; Some Disappearing?

    A consent decree ensures juveniles are not held more than 21 days in a Jackson, Miss., facility that was the subject of a lawsuit over the number of children it held and the conditions they faced. But opponents, including a youth court judge, say this is not solving the underlying problems facing the young offenders and even the plaintiffs in the suit says the larger issue is the approach to juvenile justice in the state.

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  • What Cleveland can gain from New Haven's fight against gangs: Pathways to Peace

    In New Haven community leaders and law enforcement joined hands to diminish gang violence. They created Project Longevity, and the research shows the program is successful. Gang shootings in the city have fallen from eight a month, to three.

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  • Community plays a role in helping ex-prisoners

    Communities nationwide, including in Wisconsin, work to help ex-prisoners by surrounding them with supportive people. But in Vermont, a statewide network funded by the DOC makes it happen.

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  • GPS monitoring servings its purpose in Minnesota

    Project Remand, a private nonprofit, was established in 1973 to identify high-risk offenders. Late in 2012, the nonprofit launched a pilot program for GPS monitoring of domestic violence defendants.

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  • Officials: ‘Woman's state' curbs domestic violence

    In St. Paul, one of Minnesota’s collective approaches to solutions in action — dubbed The Blueprint for Safety — is a foundation of laws that adapt to the proliferation of domestic violence in the state and successful efforts of marrying the advocate community with the criminal justice system.

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  • When Kids Are Accused of Sex Crimes

    Juveniles who were placed on sex offender registries, some for crimes they committed before they were even teens, face a slew of life changing consequences that follows them for the rest of their life: “depression, addiction, suicidal thoughts, and other signs of post-traumatic stress.” Many will struggle to find a job, others will get targeted and harassed, some, overwhelmed by the pressure, have ended their life. Parents, legal scholars, and activists are pushing back against the notion that children, under the law, should be tried as mini adults.

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  • An unprecedented experiment in mass forgiveness

    In California, once a national innovator in draconian policies to get tough on crime, voters and lawmakers are now innovating in the opposite direction, adopting laws that have released tens of thousands of inmates and are preventing even more from going to prison in the first place.

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  • The Unlikely Rise of Restorative Justice in a Conservative Upstate New York County

    In a conservative upstate town in New York, an early advocate of what is now known as restorative justice pioneered the idea of finding alternatives to incarceration that address root causes of crimes and offer victims larger roles in the process. He did this by engaging different people across law enforcement, the community and social services. That built broad support, but the programs have struggled to maintain these innovations or make them permanent after the departure of the visionary founder.

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  • Oakland probation camp offers Freedom School to young detainees

    Freedom Summer Camp allows for convicted young men to find a sense of community allowing them to connect to the world and fuel greater desires for achievement.

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  • Eliminating Bail for Nonviolent Crimes

    Philadelphia's criminal justice system is overwhelmed. New York is allowing judges to release low-risk defendants accused of non-violent crimes with the goal of saving money, reducing prison overcrowding, and cutting down on prison violence.

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