Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • “Ladies First!”: Women fight against solid waste dumping in this Himachal Pradesh village

    A group of women volunteers, known as the Mahila Mandal, from Sudher in India are fighting against the dumping of garbage in their village and the pollution and potential negative health effects that come with it. Despite daily household and farm work, the group has been pressuring authorities through demonstrations and protests to clean up the solid waste dumping site.

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  • No reason to stop organizing

    For many activists, gathering in mass protest is their most powerful tool in their toolbox, but social distancing threatens this ability. But activists in Boulder County, Colorado are not letting the pandemic stop their mission. To stay compliant with social distancing, they are taking to Zoom to organize during the crisis.

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  • The birth of a movement: how activists are winning the battle to make abortion a right

    In a country with a history of strong religious opposition to abortion, Argentinian pro-choice activists have begun to shift the political landscape around reproductive rights by leveraging young organizers, diversifying their movement, using technology to share information and support, and building visible solidarity through "green" symbolism. To bring Catholics into the effort, organizers emphasize the public health risks of keeping abortion illegal, a rhetoric that has led to government changes such as the creation of a ministry of women, gender and diversity that includes pro-choice activists.

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  • A Group of Mothers, a Vacant Home, and a Win for Fair Housing

    Moms 4 Housing, a collective of women and their children, occupied a vacant 3-bedroom house in Oakland to secure housing for themselves and call attention to the Bay Area’s lack of affordable housing. Despite being removed and arrested by heavily armed deputies, the movement grew and the developer has agreed to sell the house to Oakland’s Community Land Trust at market value and offer the right of first refusal on other properties. The group also urged state senator Scott Weiner to introduce amendments to a bill currently under consideration that would protect affordable housing from developers.

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  • Water Warriors

    After an energy company began exploring New Bruncwick territory for oil and natural gas, Indigenous tribes and white people worked together to protect their water and ban fracking. They held protests at government buildings and set up road blocks to prevent equipment trucks from getting out. Some of the protests included violent clashes with police, which made national news and drew more supporters. As a result of their actions, the government put a moratorium on fracking in the Canadian province.

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  • In Myanmar, underground poetry nights build bridges between Rohingya and Burmese writers

    Underground poetry nights build bridges between Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and Burmese writers in Myanmar. Over video, Rohingya poets who fled persecution in Myanmar can connect with people from their home country and share their art. The events are covert because it's dangerous to support Rohingya in Myanmar, but the event is empowering contributors through collaboration and shared activism. There are about 150 Rohingya poets in refugee camps in Bangladesh.

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  • How They Did It: Exposing Police Violence Against the Yellow Vests

    In what started as a series of posts on Twitter and evolved into a public database published by an investigative media outlet, Mediapart, a lone reporter documented police violence against France's Yellow Vest protesters in an act of accountability that had been neglected by other journalists and the government. David Dufresne's “Allô Place Beauvau” (a "hello" to France's interior ministry) documented 800 cases of police violence or misbehavior. Many of the cases came to Dufresne as tips from the public, which he then verified. His work was cited by French and international authorities.

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  • ‘Now I Am Speaking to the Whole World.' How Teen Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Got Everyone to Listen

    Climate change activist, Greta Thunberg, has sparked global action. The 16-year-old has started marches totalling over 1.5 million people, continuous protests and strikes, and spoken to world leaders at events such as the U.N Climate Change Conference and the World Economic Forum. Her activism has had noticeable impacts, like a decline in flight travel in Sweden, and spurring youth activism on an international scale.

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  • Extinction Rebellion succeeded where most climate protests fail

    Extinction Rebellion, a United Kingdom-based environmental group, has been using civil disobedience – blocking traffic, painting graffiti, or gluing themselves to trains – to increase discussion and action against the global climate crisis. Such disobedience has led to the leader of the UK’s Labour Party proposing one of their demands as legislation and a sharp spike in climate media coverage.

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  • The climate change generation wants to be heard

    Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders, but they aren’t letting age limit activism in the realm of environmental advocacy. The Youth Climate Strike was inspired by Greta Thunberg, a teenage girl in Sweden who stopped going to school on Fridays to protest climate change. The Sunrise Movement promotes environmental organizing among millennials, aiming to support Green New Real type legislation. These movements are rapidly spreading among young people who will have the power to make change.

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