Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Before #MeToo, women janitors organized to fight workplace harassment

    After watching a documentary film about women janitors getting assaulted during the night shift, janitors began to organize around a campaign called “Ya Basta — “Enough is Enough.” They began to protest for legislation that would protect them. A bill that would require supervisors to undergo sexual harassment training was sent to the floor, and janitors participated in a five day hunger strike calling for the governor to sign it. "Not just one or two, but thousands are behind me, speaking up. Maybe our world as immigrant women will change.”

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  • Take the Power Back

    In the face of climate change as a result of increased CO2 emissions, millions of concerned citizens have grown frustrated at the lack of change from more traditional forms of civil engagement such as petitions, protests, and campaigns against the behemoths of the oil industry. But some have found hope in a growing movement that pushes governments and large corporations to leverage a more effective tool: divestment - or withdrawing financial support from the fossil fuel industry.

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  • The Protest Banner Library Where You Can Rent Signs of Rage

    The Protest Banner Library is a space for people to make, house, and 'check out' signs for progressive protest. Formed in the wake of Donald Trump's election victory, the Library has built community as well as a way to be useful for those that can and those that cannot attend street protests. Chicago artist Aram Han Sifuentes began sewing protest signs in the wake of Donald Trump's election—then she turned her collection into a community lending library so that anyone can make or borrow one.

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  • From Protests Past, Lessons in What Works

    As protests begin to develop nationwide in opposition to a Trump presidency, Tina Rosenberg provides key reminders on good protesting. By highlighting lessons such as diversifying tactics, generating an inclusive brand, and having a concrete plan, the author provides an informative guide of effective organizing strategies.

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  • The Art of the Protest

    With a major political party taking over the presidency, most governorships, Congress, and state legislatures, the minority party can feel powerless. However, there are effective ways to organize protests including using humor, acting locally, and intense planning strategies.

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  • These 10 photos show how faith leaders are responding to Baltimore riots

    Photos and videos show various actions religious leaders and institutions in Baltimore are taking to help rebuild their community and foster positive interaction in the midst of racial tension, looting, and rioting.

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  • Nearing 2-week mark, Tahrir sit-in becomes Tahrir City

    Frustrated citizens settled in Tahrir Square, in downtown Cairo, and set up a tent city with a school, bookstore, radio station, open-air restaurants, and a cinema. The sit-in is in protest of the military rulers' use of military trials for civilians and failure to hold trials for corrupt former officials, among other demands for substantive change. Some successes of the settlement include a school for street children and a radio station that has reached over 300,000 listeners. The settlement also faces similar problems of other societies, such as crime, class conflict, and human rights violations.

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  • Tibetan Exiles: 'We Shall Overcome'

    A New York-based nonprofit called Students for a Free Tibet is training Tibetans in "how to stage nonviolent protests." This effort, in conjunction with other Tibetan NGOs, has helped activists in Dharamsala, India to become "more organized, media savvy and technologically sophisticated," which in turn has increased the number of people who have come together to participate in the nonviolent protests.

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