Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Garsaus belgų virtuvės šefo projektas sujaudino šalį: prie puodų migrantus pastačiusio meistro restoranas tapo įžymybe

    Maistą gaminti mėgstantys migrantai sklandžiai integruojasi į Belgijos visuomenę, nes jiems padeda pripažintas ir garsus virtuvės šefas. 4 mėnesius jis moko atvykėlius virtuvės meistriškumo, interpretuoja tradicinę migrantų virtuvę kartu kurdamas naujus patiekalus, dalį apmokytųjų paskui įdarbina pats arba išleidžia į darbo rinką, kur jie tampa geidžiamais darbuotojais kituose restoranuose ir maisto įstaigose.

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  • Alytiškiai šildymo kainas sumažino kelis kartus – šiluma kaulų nelaužo, o šildymo sezoną gali pabaigti patys

    Šildymo sąskaitos vieno Alytaus daugiabučio gyventojams sumažėjo iki trijų kartų. Tai pavyko gyventojų bendruomenei centrinio šildymo sistemą pakeitus geoterminiu.

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  • Accelerating Progress Towards UHC in Nigeria: The Delta State Example

    The Delta State Contributory Health Scheme provides affordable healthcare services to residents and has enrolled over one million people since its establishment. The scheme is designed to improve the healthcare system, while also enhancing the capacity of healthcare facilities so that people can get quality healthcare.

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  • How Birds Keep the Pajaro River Levees Safe

    Rodents can weaken critical river levees. Instead of poisoning them, leading to ripple effects up the food chain, levee managers on the Pajaro River in California are encouraging raptors to patrol the area.

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  • Can green spaces help curb Philly's gun violence problem?

    Philadelphia's LandCare program has cleaned and greened 12,000 vacant lots, removing trash and other signs of blight. A study showed that the program led to a large drop in violent crime in the cleaned-up areas. A U Penn researcher who led that study and a community leader whose Philly Peace Parks in west and north Philadelphia have developed a more welcoming, healthy environment talk about the emotional impact such programs have on residents when they see that their neighbors care about the neighborhood. Says organizer Pili X, "It does something to the heart and soul of people."

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  • On wildfire patrol: Volunteers gauge success by blazes that don't start

    In Orange County, a group of more than 300 volunteers patrol public spaces and remote highways when there's the threat of a fire. They are called the Orange County Fire Watch. Some of the things they do include educating the public, preventing blazes from growing into larger fires, and discouraging arsonists. The group patrols the area up to 20 days a year.

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  • Musik als Medizin

    Dass Musik äußerst wohltuend sein kann, ist seit Jahrhunderten bekannt. Doch mittlerweile versteht die Forschung immer klarer, wie und wann die positive Wirkung zu Stande kommt. Messbare Effekte lassen sich bei einer Vielzahl von Krankheiten beobachten: von Bluthochdruck, Depressionen und Alzheimer bis hin zu den Nebenwirkungen einer Krebsbehandlung.

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  • Norintiesiems mokėti mažiau už šildymą ekspertai mato du kelius – griauti arba renovuoti

    Dalies Birštono gyventojų sąskaitos už šildymą yra vienos mažiausių Lietuvoje. Rezidentai suvartoja kur kas mažiau šilumos energijos, o tai pavyko renovavus apie pusę visų renovuotinų energetiškai neefektyvių statinių mieste.

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  • Community Based organization enhancing ICT literacy in Siaya

    A computer literacy training program has trained over 50 individuals, both young people and adults, in information communication technology from rural Siaya County in Kenya. The program is free and is open to anyone fifteen years old and above. It is crowd funded by a network of donors and graduates have access to more professional and personal growth opportunities.

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  • He lost his best friend in a mudslide. Now he's using coconuts to fight deforestation in West Africa.

    Alhaji Siraj Bah created Rugsal Trading to decrease deforestation in Sierra Leone. One of the reasons people clear forests is to make wood-based charcoal for fuel. In order to address that need while enouraging sustainability, Bah's company makes a charcoal substitute out of coconut scraps. They've made $11,000 in revenue and produced 100 tons of coconut briquettes.

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