Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Powrót wilka

    Współpraca naukowców, organizacji pozarządowych, ekologów i rządu pozwoliła na przywrócenie naturze polskiego wilka, gatunku, który był na granicy wyginięcia. Metody takie, jak lokalizacje GPS i badania genetyczne pomogły politykom podejmować decyzje redukujące konflikty ludzi ze zwierzętami oraz zapewniające zwierzętom siedliska bez presji oddziaływania człowieka. W rezultacie tych działań populacja wilka w Polsce w ciągu ostatnich 50 lat wzrosła 50-krotnie.

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  • Street medic crew forms out of BLM protests in metro Phoenix

    As protests spread across the country in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, some protesters saw the need for street medics to tend to injured protestors. They formed Desert Action Medical Network and remained on the sidelines to administer medical attention at over 80 protests in Phoenix. The medics packed backpacks full of supplies to treat wounds from tear gas, rubber bullets, and pepper spray projectiles, and treated protestors when violence broke out. “Somehow medicine just became the best use of our skills for this movement.”

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  • Police Use Painful Dog Bites To Make People Obey

    Police often use dogs as a form of "pain compliance," non-lethal tactics that get a criminal suspect under control without having to resort to potentially lethal means. But this use of dogs can inflict pain and injury far out of proportion to the threat posed, even to the point that the detained person cannot comply with officers' demands. A lack of national standards or consensus about how to use dogs responsibly and safely, and the existence of many other tools and tactics that can be used instead, make the existence of hundreds of dog-bite cases a study in a failed de-escalation strategy.

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  • How one Texas non-profit is helping foster children learn and stay safe during the pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way foster care works. The SAFE Alliance, a merger of Austin Children’s Shelter and SafePlace, had to change the way they do things to ensure the safety of children and teens. “In late February we decided we needed to create a COVID-response team, so the executive team got together and created what we call a COVID coordinator.” Apart from implementing safety protocols, they also found ways to avoid staff burnout, and restructured their teen parent and early childhood programs.

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  • Cómo los educadores están encontrando a miles de estudiantes que no podían alcanzar cuando empezó la pandemia

    Una combinación de creación de redes informales y visitas de casa en casa permitieron a distritos escolares en Texas a rastrear estudiantes "perdidos" a raíz de la pandemia, y dejando lecciones sobre cómo fortalecer estas relaciones a futuro.

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  • ‘Backpacks full of boulders': How one district is addressing the trauma undocumented children bring to school

    Prince George's County in Maryland ranks fourth in the country for the number of unaccompanied students with sponsors. Often, these students have experienced a lot of trauma by the time they arrive at school. School officials are using their budget to spend it on resources to help educators and undocumented students succeed academically by hiring trauma specialists, bilingual liaisons, and teacher aides. “The most important reason is it is morally, really spiritually, inappropriate to mistreat the children who come from these families and not give them equal opportunity.”

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  • National organization repurposes summer camps, combating ‘summer slide' in reading and math

    As summer programs across the country shut down to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom School summer program in Austin tried was forced to quickly pivot to virtual learning. They had to make large technological purchases, hire a help desk staff, reached out to volunteers, and had to figure out how to get students to log on.

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  • Homicides dropped after Philly gangs signed a 1974 peace pact. What can we learn from the org that brokered the truce?

    The House of Umoja in West Philadelphia, created in the late 1960s in response to high rates of gang violence, succeeded in helping thousands of young men through a residential treatment program, mediating disputes peacefully, and brokering a gang truce credited with lowering Philadelphia violence in the 1970s. The program was based on Afrocentric customs and family structure (its name means unity in Swahili). The grandson of the founders is now trying to revive the home as part of the city's multiple anti-violence initiatives.

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  • Distrito Escolar usa tecnología para ayudar a familias que hablan español

    Las escuelas públicas de Springdale, en Arkansas (Estados Unidos), han invertido mucho en mejoras en las comunicaciones para ayudar al 47% de los estudiantes hispanos y al 13% de los estudiantes de origegn marshalés del distrito, muchos de los cuales están aprendiendo inglés como segundo idioma. El distrito ha contratado a miembros del personal bilingües para crear contenido en varios idiomas y transmitirlo en una variedad de plataformas, además de haber aumentado un 20% su presupuesto de comunicación.

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  • ‘The Poetry Project': How young refugees in Germany are bridging the cultural gap with their voices

    The Poetry Project provides a platform for young refugees to create poetry, share their stories, and learn about German culture. The initiative started with weekly meetings for 7 young refugees to workshop poetry about the refugee experience, including leaving loved ones, why they left, and how they feel in their new home country. Their live performances have won prizes and their audiences respond emotionally. The group’s success allowed it to expand to more participants and reach a wider audience. The experience helped some participants integrate more smoothly into German society, where they have thrived.

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