Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • States eye vote by mail, Oregon officials say it's safe and secure

    Officials in Oregon, where voters have voted by mail in statewide elections for decades, point to their successful system to counter Donald Trump’s claim that voting by mail is “rigged” and results could take “years.” Several precautions prevent voter fraud, including a signature verification system, unique tracking barcodes on every ballot, and voters can get alerts when their ballot is received and counted. Officials and academics who have studied the system say that fraud is exceedingly rare with current security measures, though states implementing the system for the first time could experience delays.

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  • How Lightfoot and housing activists reached an uneasy détente in the battle for Woodlawn's future

    After tense negotiations and protests, the Coalition for a CBA (Community Benefits Agreement) and the mayor of Chicago agreed to an ordinance guaranteeing a percentage of affordable housing for tenants making below 50% of median income. The coalition expects gentrification to accelerate due to the nearby $500 million Obama Presidential Center, making housing unaffordable for current residents. In addition to negotiations, the coalition organized a blockade of the mayor’s office and set up a “tent city” to emphasize their message. Not all residents want the ordinance and neither side got everything they want.

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  • The hidden hand that uses money to reform troubled police departments

    Smaller cities that cannot afford costly payouts for civil settlements in police misconduct cases rely on liability insurance, which can act as a regulator when insurers demand reforms up to and including disbanding troubled departments. While police killings have decreased in large cities over the past six years, they have increased in the suburban and rural areas served by the vast majority of police departments. “Loss prevention” measures that require policy and personnel changes have been proven to work, but insurance that fails to police the police can also shield cities from accountability.

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  • Texas's High School Voter Registration Law Fails to Live Up to Ideals

    A Texas law requiring high school principals to register eligible student voters has failed because it is unequally carried out, not enforceable or tracked, and other obstacles to vote prevent students from casting ballots. While the law was an impressive attempt to increase the civic participation of young people, many high schools have not participated. A 2019 report shows that only 38% of schools with at least 20 seniors requested voter registration forms. A confounding obstacle is a 2013 voter ID law that requires voters to show one of seven forms of photo identification, but student IDs are not eligible

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  • Co-Op City Succeeds With Census While Much of NYC Struggles. What's Its Secret?

    In New York City, where the average census response rate is only 49 percent, the city's largest co-operative housing complex achieved over a 70 percent response rate, well above the 40 percent rate typical in the co-op's neighborhood of the Bronx. Co-op City, as it is known, has a strong sense of community and promoted the census through its internal TV station, robo-calls, and community newspaper.

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  • More Productive from Home: Governments Learn to Love Remote Work

    Many local government employees have shifted to remote work as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite previous resistance to remote work, employers are finding that workers are more efficient at home and even working longer hours. Managers needed to develop new measures of productivity for remote work. While there may not be a widespread or permanent shift to remote work, some of the adaptations might persist and the success of the quick response will make it easier for governments to alter their operations for social distancing moving forward.

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  • As Maine gradually reopens, disease investigations will be more important than ever

    Contact tracing of the novel coronavirus is helping Maine slowly and safely reopen after lockdown by tracking the spread of the virus and mitigating risk of those who may have been exposed. In order to effectively contact trace during a pandemic, at least 30 staff per 100,000 people are needed, of which most states – Maine included – don’t have.

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  • How Europe manages to keep a lid on coronavirus unemployment while it spikes in the U.S.

    European countries like France and Germany have been able to keep their unemployment rates low because of pre-existing programs that have been called to action during COVID-19. In France, the government subsidizes up to 84% of wages to incentive companies not to lay their employees off. In Germany, their short-time work program pays up to two-thirds of employee pay. While not an inexpensive method, some say it could help their economies replenish quicker after the pandemic.

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  • How custodians in Durham Public Schools were granted paid emergency leave

    In March 2020, North Carolina’s Board of Education, in response to COVID-19, approved paid emergency leave for all school employees – but with 100% pay only going to those that qualify as “high risk.” With many of the affected employees being Spanish-only speakers explanations of the detailed leave policies were not comprehensive, making the roll out of the relief confusing and inaccessible.

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  • Why Is Germany's Coronavirus Death Rate So Low?

    In the midst of the COVID19 outbreak, Germany has maintained one of the lowest rates of death at just 0.9%. While also one of the countries worst affected by it, both of those numbers are because of its widespread testing. The more people being tested, the more they’ve identified milder cases, which has effectively lowered the rate of fatality.

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