Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Childcare Is Broken In America. This City Has A Plan To Fix It.

    In Washington, D.C., universal pre-K is creating a more accessible landscape for childcare services, which often take up unmanageable amounts of parents' budgets. The city is now taking another step to ease the burden: implementing a cap on how much income can be spent on childcare for children between birth and three while also exploring how to make childcare services affordable while retaining necessary quality.

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  • No Paid Family Leave? A Growing Number of States Allow Babies at Work.

    Across the country, and particularly in states with no paid leave laws, state agencies are allowing new parents to bring infants to the workplace. While the change has been welcomed, critics don't believe it goes far enough.

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  • Small ag feels growing pains: Lack of workers

    In southeastern Colorado, the Good Food Collective is piloting new initiatives to help small-scale farmers fill the labor shortages. With grant funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, they’re looking at what others across the country have done to address this issue, like developing a workers cooperative where workers can have some security in an unstable field. For now, they’re figuring out what works for their region, which includes “gleaning” – using grant funding to pay for individuals to harvest food for food pantries.

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  • Trash talking goes high-tech in San Francisco

    In San Francisco, a debate over trash cans has led to the installation of 1,000 high-tech sensors from a Danish company that will increase efficiency of trash collection and minimize spilled waste. It will also save the government thousands of dollars compared to the expensive Bigbelly trash cans that are more willing to break. After a successful testing program last year, the city knows this switch will improve sanitation, costs, and time.

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  • 'Nobody was born bad'

    Chattanooga’s Violence Reduction Initiatives used a focused deterrence strategy to reduce crime. The initiative has led to a decrease in gang-involved homicides and shootings, working with individuals on probation to provide them with the social services they need to stop them from re-entering a life of crime. A core part of this method is to show communities that they’re not forgotten and that they’re cared for, and yet securing funding and consistent support for such programming has been challenging.

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  • Cautiously Optimistic

    Small and large cities around the United States have their own ways of deterring gun violence, from heavier police presences, to community engagement efforts, to public health approaches. An ongoing and similar challenge for these cities is pinpointing where the most effective change is coming from. In cities like Chattanooga, Savannah, and Philadelphia, each one has seen some impact from their work, but without ongoing evaluations, proving and thus sustaining the successful programming is challenging.

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  • The importance of early engagement for new public service initiatives

    When designing policies, user engagement is an essential part of obtaining feedback and raising awareness among the very people that the policies are intended to impact. One small government team in Canada, the Next Generation HR an Pay Team, also contends that user engagement must come early on in the process to allow for course correction.

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  • Community cautiously optimistic about Cure Violence, the crime-fighting program out of Chicago

    Cure Violence, a national non-profit, has been training local residents to intervene and diffuse violent conflict in their own neighborhoods. The organization, which started in Chicago, has contributed to decreased violence in cities like Baltimore and New York City, by taking a public health approach, meaning, treating crime like a disease. As Jacksonville, Florida comes to terms with the increase in violent conflict in its own city, it looks to Cure Violence as a possible intervention.

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  • Collaborating on co-locating: Chicago's innovative approach to mixed-use facilities

    Some of Chicago's public housing buildings now house a public library on the base floor. The co-location design is a result of a collaboration between the Chicago Public Library and Chicago Housing Authority intended to reduce inefficiencies, cut costs, and better integrate public housing into the city's fabric.

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  • Is the Answer to Crime More Cops?

    As cities across the United States grapple with the decline in law enforcement applications and officers, New York is adapting by using a workload allocation model to figure out the number of police officers actually needed and in what positions. While other cities, like Memphis, seek private funding to hire more police officers – a model that hasn’t shown demonstrably to decrease crime.

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