Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Trauma and transitions: How San Diego grapples with educating refugees.

    San Diego County public schools have a large number of refugee students and changes such as lowering noise levels (such as school bells) that triggered post-traumatic stress, reducing class sizes, providing daily teacher consistency, and integrating language and academic instruction has helped them feel more comfortable and fill the gaps in their education. Not all of the interventions have led to academic success, but schools are juggling very limited budgets to address the specific needs of refugee students, including extra English language instruction and counseling services.

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  • An Easy Way to Encourage Businesses to Hire Marginalized Workers?

    A pilot program in Canada is providing increased job opportunities for disadvantaged populations - including refugees, those with disabilities, and laborers who have been unemployed long-term - through a special program that rewards companies hiring them with what is essentially a cash-back rebate on loans covered by the government. The rebate adds up to be significantly less than the cost of paying out unemployment, and has the additional benefits of encouraging workplace diversity and corporate growth.

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  • How Julián Castro Bet on 4-Year-Olds to Transform San Antonio

    One of former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro's enduring and controversial legacies will likely be his Pre-K 4 SA initiative. The program provides hands on and play-based preschool for low-income 4 year olds, an approach often reserved for wealthy toddlers. In an effort to highlight the potential long-term gains of the program, Castro frames the plan as a workforce development program: “The best way to make sure a young person gets ahead is to make sure she never gets behind in the first place." Pre-K 4 SA will be truly tested for the first time in 2018, when its inaugural class completes state exams.

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  • We Went to a 'Form-a-Palooza,' a Hackathon for Better Paperwork

    The forms required to receive social services can be long and difficult to navigate, despite their essential nature for many people in need. In D.C., a new team meant to coordinate innovation across agencies gathered wonks and interested residents to figure out how to make those forms clearer and easier to use.

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  • Rise of the Government Chatbot

    City governments have been implementing “chatbots” to provide a way for residents to both communicate with city government as well as receive information about and assistance with services through text or Facebook. Chatbots provide a means for residents to interact with services all day as well as reduces city staff’s workload.

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  • Counting On Medicaid To Avoid Life In A Nursing Home? That's Now Up To Congress.

    Congressional Republicans' push to reduce Medicaid funds is a threatening proposition to the people who use its services. Medicaid funds services at home which allows people to live at home instead of in a nursing home by providing minor house renovations, a visiting nurse or other worker, or other home products.

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  • Free Lunch at the Library

    From New York to Ohio to California, librarians have teamed up with the USDA summer food service program, along with other non-profits, to feed kids dependent on free/reduced-price lunches during the school year. Using census data to locate communities of greatest need and data to measure participation trends, the collaborative has witnessed a surge in effectiveness and impact across the states. Families, librarians, and public officials alike express satisfaction and enthusiasm for the initiative and its future.

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  • The Great Los Angeles Revolt Against Cars

    Los Angeles has faced deepening issues of severe traffic and extreme smog pollution in the past several decades, but for years intentions and promises to broadly improve transportation have fallen flat. At long last, the most congested city in the world - once home to the most extensive urban rail network on the planet - is reviving rail lines and trains as a solution to both issues. Robust public transport has proven to have multi-layered economic, cultural, environmental, and social benefits to communities.

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  • As Philly's inmate population plummets, why aren't we saving any money?

    Reducing inmate populations doesn’t necessarily cut costs. The funding equation is far more complex. Complying with employee pension laws, offering more services to inmates, and other growing costs can replace any savings from reforms that shrink the incarcerated population.

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  • How Long Beach Coordinated the Fight Against Homelessness

    Unlike the rest of Los Angeles County, the City of Long Beach has managed to decrease its homeless population; coordination of key departments has been crucial to the city's success. "Since 2015, Long Beach has increased housing units for homeless residents and veterans from 1,354 to 2,144," in part because of their use of a Multi-Service Center, which serves as a hub for their coordinated entry approach -- but there are reasons to believe the approach will not be easy to scale to other cities.

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